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8 Reasons to Throw an Office Party

Offices parties were once the norm. Companies treated their staff to days out, parties to celebrate achievements, end of year blowouts and especially, the office Christmas party. In recent years, however, health and safety policies, sexual harassment laws and financial concerns have meant that more and more businesses are choosing to forgo office parties entirely. If you are considering hosting one at the end of the year, but have concerns, here are eight of the reasons that you should go for it.

Team Spirit

In some ways, the world's a much more social place than it used to be. We can, and do, speak to strangers all over the world on Twitter. Yet, we don’t spend time socialising with our work colleagues as much as previous generations have. Yes, we’re friends on Facebook. But, that doesn’t quite promote the same feelings of camaraderie and team that spending time together outside of work does. Throwing a party is a great way to encourage team spirit.

Boost Morale

If you don’t fancy a traditional party, you can still do something special by taking them out for lunch somewhere like MeatworksCo. Anything to show your staff that you appreciate them will help to boost their morale.

Celebrate Success

Businesses nowadays have a habit of expecting success. So, when it comes, it barely gets noticed. Instead, they jump on failures. This isn’t how it should be. An office party or event is a brilliant way to celebrate your firm's successes.


Why not open your party up to clients and potential clients? Show off your team and make some new connections.

To Promote Public Relations

Reputation is incredibly important. Especially if your business deals with the public. Getting known as a company that looks after and rewards their staff, and that still has fun in what is becoming an increasingly serious world is a good step towards an excellent reputation with the public.


Parties are fun. Work is allowed to be enjoyable. It’s a good idea to remind yourself of this occasionally.

To Improve Your Relationship with Staff

When you’re at work, you are the boss. This isn’t a bad thing. No matter what kind of manager you are, it’s important that your staff respect you and your authority and know where your boundaries are. Sometimes though, it’s great for them to see you let go and have some fun.

To Create an Open Environment

Having good relationships with staff, and a good reputation as an employer that values their employees and looks after them can help improve the atmosphere in the workplace. It can go a long way to helping to create an open and honest environment where people are free to ask for help and talk about their problems. This can lead to greater efficiency, a happier and more productive workforce and lower staff turnover.

An office party is a great way to end the year, as long as it’s budgeted for and you are careful, there’s nothing to stop you.

Business Daily Media