Like everything in life, you will always get better results if you make solid plans. The first step in the process is to understand why you are running the event - and communicating that message to anyone you want to attend. Then it’s a case of looking at how you are going to run it. There are the ‘big four’ - venue, entertainment, food, guest list - but there are also many other issues to consider. Does your event date clash with any other important dates in your industry calendar? Can you get the guest speakers you crave and are there backup options in place? Are health and safety protections offered by the venue, or will you have to take care of them yourself?
The content of your event is going to be the biggest draw when it comes to enticing people to come along. What are you going to do that is different to every other business conference or live event out there? It’s also important to ensure that every speaker is aware of your chosen theme, and brings relevance - as well as expertise and an excellent reputation - along with them. Finally, place a tremendous importance on the order and flow of your event. It’s a lot more challenging than you might think to create a well-balanced show that keeps everyone’s attention from beginning to end.
You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy graphics, platforms, and audio visual equipment. But, as Conference Data Services points out, it is vital that the technology you use throughout the show is good enough to perform without a hitch. Use reputable companies with the relevant experience, and it’s also a good idea to allow some time for testing and rehearsals beforehand. Bad audio, faulty video, and broken technology can ruin your event before it even starts, and your attendees will place the blame firmly at your door, even if it is out of your hands.
A final point - don’t assume that all you have to do is send an invite and people will show up to your event. Assume that everyone is busy and will forget - because the chances are that is the case. You will need to send regular reminder messages and emails, although you should be careful not to flood your guest list’s Inboxes with prompts. Being spammy is often worse than sending no reminders at all, and there is a fine line between the two which must be balanced. Good luck, and happy planning!
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