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Getting Your Employees To Love You: How To Be A Good Boss

Being a good boss doesn’t mean that you’re the most popular person in the office - on the contrary, sometimes you have to make tough decisions that will ensure your business will be as profitable and successful as possible. Being a good boss is actually much more than being liked by your employees - here are a few things you need to bear in mind.

Keep That Distance

You need to remember that the people you work with are not necessarily your friends. You can enjoy nights out with your team but you need to keep a bit of distance between you to ensure that your personal relationship outside of the office doesn’t interfere with your professional relationship at work. You might feel left out sometimes but that professional distance is absolutely key to being able to make tough decisions and to ensure people know that they’re being treated with fairness.

Keep It Friendly

Despite the aforementioned distance, it’s a good idea to treat your employees sometimes. There are a lot of schemes that different offices run, such as early Friday home times over the summer, or office drinks every couple of weeks. It’s a good idea to hold a summer party and bring everyone together - get full colour badges and get employees to write their names and hobbies on them so that they can see each other as friends and not just workmates, and so that you can create topics of conversation. Get outside if you can for a picnic or a sports day - you could even hold it at the weekend so that everyone can invite their families.

Make Sure You’re Calm

A lot of bosses rule their domains and offices using fear, but let’s face it - that’s never a good way to do things. We all remember those teachers we had when were little kids - the ones who were mean and who yelled and who we were too afraid of to talk to. Those classes are probably not the ones that you learned much in as you were too busy being afraid and trying not to cause any problems to actually learn. The same principles apply in the workplace. If you shout and rattle your employees then they will be unable to produce their best work. You need to ensure that you create a calm atmosphere to make your employees feel the same way and create a workplace in which everyone feels safe and happy.

Reliability Is Key

In any job, it’s important to make sure that when you say you’re going to do something, it’s done - but it’s most important if you’re the boss. Not only will you likely have senior members of staff that you need to report to, but you also need to make sure that you set a good example for your employees. If you’re asking them to get work done on time, how can you expect them to pay attention if you aren’t keeping to your deadlines? If you tell anyone at work that you’re going to do something, make sure that it gets done.

Business Daily Media