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6 Things to Consider When Creating a Customer-Catching Storefront Display

Marketing a storefront is something that requires a deep understanding of merchandising, coupled with knowledge of what products you’re championing at the moment. You need to be able to dress a window with style and flair, incorporating colour, branding and your product range in a seamless and aesthetically pleasing array.

When you market your storefront effectively you can potentially provide a visually compelling tool to bring customers into your store and encourage them to engage with your products. A well-merchandised window is one of your biggest assets for getting people inside. We understand that there is a lot that you need to understand with marketing your shop - from choosing the right lightboxes to nailing the balance of products and empty space, so to help you out we have brought together some of our tops tips to make sure you are making a bigger splash with your storefront.

Understand your customers

You need to really understand your customers and know what makes them tick in order to get the most from your window displays. While it’s important to know your customers’ demographics, it’s even more imperative that you know their behaviours and what they love in their lifestyle. When you understand your customers you can inject more fun into your window displays and make for a more compelling window. You can source this kind of information by using Google Analytics data or by sourcing information from social media, like Facebook and Instagram.

Save the best for inside

While it’s exciting to entice people inside with your window display make sure there’s something even more exciting placed just a few steps inside the door, and then a few more steps further in. That way you will continue to entice people into your store and will encourage them to start shopping in earnest. A great store layout and clever use of POP displays will make sure that your customers are shopping far more than they ever thought they would. Underpromise and overdeliver - that’s the key to successful window marketing.

Use your vertical space

Be sure to drag the eyes upwards when you are marketing your store.

Guide your customers into your space and then encourage them to engage with their whole body and head by forcing them to look at all the cool things in your shop.

Keep your brand strong

If your brand is minimal and whimsical, then guess what?

Your store needs to be as well. Make sure that how your present things in your store is a reflection of how your business operates and what your ethos is. You need to use certain colours and keep certain textures to the forefront when you are merchandising your window, and make sure this carries on into the store itself.

PARC is your friend

We mean, of course: proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast.

Use these tools to create a cohesive and stunning visual display that delights and entices your customers. Make sure you are thinking of your space and aligning your products to suit the grid. Connect the visual merchandising, and repeat icons, branding or shapes to make people feel connected with your product.

Work with what you have

If you have a small space to merchandise in then use what you have.

Embrace the space and make it work for you, not against you. In many cases your window will be a rectangle of empty space and it’ll be up to you to incorporate the best of your design abilities to make it a stunning space. Think about suspending items, hanging stuff up, inverting things, using clothes for different purposes and just enjoying the process.

Do you have any other tricks and tips up your sleeve?

We know this isn’t an exhaustive list but it’s enough for a start. Good luck with your merchandising, and don’t forget to invest in quality signage with lightboxes and other strong visual mediums.
Business Daily Media