Despite early jitters, the UK is showing promising signs of strength and stability. The IMF just recently bumped up the estimated percentage of GDP for this year from 1.5% to 2.0%. The UK is the financial capital of the world, since its markets are the first to open. The FTSE 100 index is up over 7000, and the FTSE 250 index is close to 20.000. So if you’re looking for stable investment with long-term yields, investing in significant capital, bank shares and multinational companies based in the City of London is your best option.

Commercial space flight
A trip to the stars has long been a mere fantasy, but in the modern world, not so farcical. Virgin Galactic has been working on a proposed commercially focused flight, beyond the earth’s atmosphere and into orbit. Those wanting to venture into space will experience the same conditions astronauts on the International Space Station feel. For $250,000 a ticket and already a waiting list of 65,000, investing in such a company would give shareholders, even more incentive to continue to support this futuristic project. This would however, be a long-term investment. The British government has also put its faith into the business with the Department of Transport saying the first commercial flight could happen in 2020.

Smart property
As wages and salaries rise for ordinary working people, so does the opportunity for families to buy homes in attractive areas. Areas, with good schools, high-paying jobs and well-built, modern homes are increasingly becoming more accessible to the majority of working people around the globe. If you plan on building your properties with the information you have personally acquired, the construction process is where you’ll be spending most of your money, be careful expenditures don’t get out of hand. Buying homes in specific areas where professional property sellers such as Simon Perri Real Estate and auctioneering companies operate, paves the way for a highly profitable business venture. But, research is key; find the best location, with the most to offer buyers. By putting yourself in the shoes of a family looking to upgrade, you stand to get ahead of the competition by focusing your energy and money into that particular niche.

Let your money, make money, should be your ethos. Smart investing with calculated risk assessments are a strategic way of getting ahead. But knowing what to invest in, when and why are questions all big firms and wealthy individuals ask themselves. Science and technology are areas of interest when it comes to solid, reassured investment. Large open markets and consumers hungry for the newest technologies is a field in which young, enthusiastic, innovative entrepreneurs rule the roost. Attend conferences, meet the young and talented face to face, get an idea of what will be the future. There are so many options, from app creators to independent game developers, data collection solutions, voice activation security, etc. Again, research into who’s who and what’s what is the way to carve through the competition and head to the top of the class.
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