It is astonishing to watch a young person using an iphone or indeed any modern smart phone like a Google Pixel or a Samsung product. Seldom do they use their telephone for actually calling someone for a voice call.
People can plan their entire social or daily life on a smart device connected to the internet. They often use messenger or email or Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest to tell friends and family, what they are doing, where they are and when to catch up. All without ever making a telephone call!
Modern life is about communication. Social networks enable people of all ages to interact with family and friends instantly. Take Skype as an example, when a text message is inadequate say on special event days, anyone with a smart phone can use Skype to talk to and see almost anyone anywhere around the world instantly. It is stunning to be able to share lives in real time.
Then there are the apps that can be added to an iPhone. Apple itself has created feature products that come ready installed on its devices. Maps, weather, image editing, games and music. People can buy or find free special interest apps. Travellers can download an app to listen to air traffic control at their destination or departure point to find out where an aircraft is anywhere in the world. By using FlightRadar24.com they can point their smartphone at a passing aircraft and see on their small screen its speed, destination, registration number, altitude and even get to see the Google Earth generated view out the pilot's window. If they are on an aircraft that allows people to use the Internet, they can use a smartphone to see out the window of the plane they are on from take off to touchdown.
As people use their iPhone, they gather a huge range of user names, passwords, website URL's, phone numbers, email addresses and stored pages. There are often 1000's of images of places and family or friends. That is why everyone should back up their phone to iTunes. They can synchronise their iphone to an online back up to make sure that if they lose their phone or it is stolen, they can recover their data.
One of the worst things that can happen to tech savvy and basic users of iPhones is to drop their phone. A shattered screen often results and that stops many features from being accessed through the touchscreen. It is devastating in financial and life style terms.
One of the ways that people can protect their phone, is to install a transparent plastic screen cover which adheres to the face of the device giving it extra strength as well as protection from scratches. It is not just the cost of repairs that hurts, it is the inconvenience of being without the phone and all its features.
Think about buying smartphones cases. These are indispensable. Parents should buy them for their children's phones and indeed, everyone should have one on their phone. They protect against impact, water, dust and high heat in cars parked or being left in direct sunlight. Case Haven sells phone covers & cases online.
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