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Why Buyers Prefer New To Used Homes

When you think about it, homes depreciate, like everything else you buy. They slowly start to get run down and fall apart. And over time, they require more maintenance and upkeep to keep in a good condition. New homes, on the other hand, don’t. And that’s just one of the many reasons why so many people are now choosing new homes over old. Here are some more reasons.

You Get To Have It Your Way

The great thing about a new home is that you don’t have to adapt to whatever was there before. You get to have something built that is designed your way and meets all your family’s needs. So often, families settle and compromise when buying a new home. Often, homes will have extra features they don’t need. Or they won’t have a feature that the family would really like. But because that house is in the right place for school and work, they settle for second best. With a new home, built to your specifications, compromise disappears. There are plenty of ways to get started, like with a house and land package by Red Ink. So having a new home built has never been easier.

Your Home Is Under Warranty

When it comes to homes, we don’t tend to think of warranties. If something goes wrong, it’s tough luck. But when you think about it, homes are something of an enigma. After all, most of us don’t even know the company or the person who built our homes. And so the idea that our homes might be under warranty seems laughable.

But when you have a home built from scratch, everything is new. And so just as with cars or fridges, they come with a warranty. The cool thing about this is that it means that you don’t have to fork out for big repair bills down the road. You just ring up, tell the builder about your problem, and they’ll foot the bill. Warranties are, in many ways, a great system for a couple of reasons. First, they make life a lot easier for you. But they also incentivise the builder to make a home that is robust so that they’re not getting endless callouts that cost them money.

You Save Energy

In the past, builders weren't all that concerned with energy costs. After all, energy was cheap, and nobody really thought about the environment. Fast forward to 2016 and things have changed considerably. Families are more worried about their budgets than ever, and that has driven demand for energy and cost saving designs. Most modern houses are built to high energy standards, meaning you’ll save money on your bills over the long term.

It’s Higher Tech

Homes, like everything else, are on a learning curve. Over time, they get better and better as builders learn more. But they’re not just getting better concerning energy efficiency. They’re also getting better in terms of tech. New homes are often a lot more accommodating of smart meters and fast broadband.

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