A new marketing service for small and medium businesses in Australia has opened at Auzzi.com.au known as Auzzi Shopping Centre.
RogersDigital.com an Australian business associated with Businesses.com.au operates a multi channel online customer focused emporium shopping or eCommerce website at www.Auzzi.com.au
Auzzi is a leading Australian shopping channel with 24 unique shopping centres with separate deals, offers, promotions, coupons and specials from some of Australia's leading brands.
The Auzzi Shopping Centres include accommodation, pets and pet supplies, apparel and accessories, arts and entertainment, things for babies and toddlers, products and services for business and industry, education classes and lessons, electronics and technology, food and beverage, furniture, hardware, health and beauty products or services, things for the home and garden, money and finance, office supplies, professional services, realestate services, software and games, sports and fitness supplies and services, toys, trade services, travel and motoring vehicles and parts.
Auzzi offers premium products and services with its own stock and featured items with Buy 1 and Get 2 offers.
We partner with premium suppliers to sell and deliver to all parts of Australia using the reliable courier service offered by Australia Post.
We abide by the terms of warranties, the online marketing code of conduct and the federal or State consumer protection laws.
Product and service marketing
Auzzi is one part of a larger marketing and publicity operation that includes a range of high traffic news, magazine and marketing websites that includes Businesses.com.au, Viw.com.au, DailyBulletin.com.au, NewsPronto.com, TheDealGuys.com, WhatsOnAustralia.com and AirBTW.com.
Using a mix of image banners, video, text links and content marketing articles, the Auzzi.com.au extended network serves over 50,000 page reads every day the majority on high profile, Business Daily at www.Businesses.com.au.
Auzzi is also a travel agent partnering with Rezdy.com.au, V3, Website.Travel and other wholesale back-end providers to deliver a constant stream of customers to travel and accommodation providers.
Merchants and service providers who choose to allow us to buy their products at wholesale rates or market their products or services receive additional publicity and promotion through cross posting on other websites.
In addition, Auzzi.com.au posts every one of its featured products and services to social media including Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. This instant publicity buzz generates considerable pages rads from people genuinely interested in the products and services featured on Auzzi.com.au in the 24 shop categories.
Types of marketing available at Auzzi.com.au
The business behind Auzzi.com.au provides publicity services a range of real estate, property development, travel and eCommerce websites around Australia. We bring that expertise to bear on marketing the businesses that choose to work with us.
We offer promotion, sales and marketing products to merchants and service providers.
Two for the price of one.
A person buys a single ticket on a tour bus. They also receive another single ticket at no extra cost. Two trips are provided for the price of one
It is set up and live with 24 shopping categories, 2 for 1 offers, specials and product reviews.
At www.Auzzi.com.au aka Auzzi Shopping Centres the marketing innovation is that merchants give us offers.. like deals but only 10% to 20% negotiable commission ... we sell them as offers or discounts...
The 2 for 1 works for all businesses.... say in beauty and hair salons, a person pays for one service but gets two treatments...... one can be used then an there with another later at no extra cost.... Terms would be that offer does not include product or consumables... so the merchant can still recover outgoings... Deals on Cudo for instance a few years ago used to cost a huge commission to promote a service offered at dirt cheap ( brand damaging ) prices providing no profit. It did not work for businesses ( Except the deal site which did very well ).
Auzzi provides real sales to people genuinely interested in the product or service. As the Auzzi Shopping Centre is a special promotion it does not damage a brand or interfere in price expectations in other marketing endeavours.
Offers on an Auzzi Shopping centre can be run for as long as the merchant chooses or sell a set number of tickets, products or services. The merchant or provider is in total control at all times.
Auzzi Shopping Centre is only paid on sales, usually at a low 10% for 2 for 1 promotions to share in the cost of providing the benefit for the consumer.
Terms and Conditions apply to all Auzzi Shopping Centre promotions.
Some examples are listed below but it is important to note that each promotion for travel, services or products will have its own rules set by the merchant or provider. We fit in, not the other way around.
Hairdresser example.
A salon might offer a two for the price of one promotion but the customer will have to pay extras like products or chemicals for each treatment. The service is two for one but outgoings apart from providing the treatment will have to be paid.
Accommodation example
A customer buys one room night. The host will provide two room nights in the same room. Not two separate rooms for one nights.
Normal occupancy levels will still apply. A room for two cannot be doubled into 4 people. The offer would be two room nights for two people.
Taxes and charges
An Auzzi Shopping Centre two for the price of one offer is for the product or service only.
In the case of legal services like conveyancing, customers will still pay GST and outgoings on each transaction although the are being offered two transactions.
In the case of travel services, a customer to a National Park offered by a merchant on Auzzi Travel, will get two tickets but will still be obliged to pay any entry fee to the National Park or Great Barrier Reef Marine Park surcharge on each ticket event.
Merchants or providers direct Auzzi Shopping Centres on issues such as the period of time that the promotion is run. An example would be, Not school holidays".
A merchant or provider can designate how and where a promotion is published and the number of products or services to be sold.
Commission charges
Auzzi Shopping Centre has a fee and charge structure
There are no set up charges
We are only paid when and if we make sales for the merchants or providers who work with us to reach new customers.
The commission on two for the price of one promotions is 10% of sale value excluding any GST component.
Choose from our marketing options at Auzzi
1. Auzzi buys products at wholesale rates and resells at our profit.
2. Two for one offers where Auzzi Shopping Centre sells products or services offered by third parties where we charge 10%
3. Normal every day one at a time sales or products or services on behalf of merchants or providers at the rate of 15% of all sales.
Auzzi Shopping Centre is a travel agent.
We sell a wide range of accommodation, transport, experiences, and adventures offered by third parties.
We work with login panels provided by wholesalers including Rezdy, Website.Travel and V3.
We offer an immediate and secure payment and booking confirmation process.
Commission varies between wholesalers but where we work directly with travel operators, we negotiate a rate that suits the provider whenever possible. We are flexible and offer trial marketing to assist start ups or new product launches.
Contact Auzzi Shopping Centre
We can be reached at a number of email addresses.
Our phone is 0498 136 869
We are based in Parramatta NSW.
Get in touch to discuss your marketing ideas with Auzzi Shopping Centres
Visit Auzzi.com.au
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