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Australians will welcome ACCC action against CFMEU over Boral boycott

Minister for Employment Senator Eric Abetz has welcomed the announcement by the ACCC that it has initiated legal proceedings against the Victorian CFMEU and its senior officials John Setka and Shaun Reardon in respect of allegations of a secondary boycott against Boral by them from February 2013 to April 2014.

I am sure all Australians would welcome the announcement of the ACCC that it intends to hold the CFMEU to account for its actions.

The CFMEU and its officials are not above the law. I also note the courage shown by Boral in resisting the CFMEU’s demands and commend the strong leadership shown by CEO Mike Kane.

This action by the ACCC once again brings into stark focus the bullying and thuggery for which the CFMEU is notorious in Victoria. All Victorians should be concerned at the antics of this union and its history of defiance of the law, particularly given the control that the union wields over the state ALP and Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews.

All Victorian voters need to be aware that a vote for Daniel Andrews will be a vote for a Government that will once again give the green light to the worst kinds of corrupt and unlawful behaviour by the CFMEU. Mr Andrews’ policy to abolish the Victorian Construction Code will only serve to encourage and reward unlawful union conduct and increase the cost of taxpayer funded infrastructure. Nothing better illustrates his unfitness to be Premier than his continued wilful subservience to the CFMEU and its leaders.
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