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Avcorp announces 2013 Third Quarter Financial Results

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VANCOUVER, Nov. 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Avcorp Industries Inc. (TSX: AVP) (the "Company" or "Avcorp") today announced its consolidated financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2013.

During the quarter ended September 30, 2013, the Company generated $19,767,000 revenue as compared to $19,324,000 revenue for the quarter ended September 30, 2012. Current quarter revenues have remained relatively stable from the same quarter in the preceding year, primarily as the wind-down of Cessna Aircraft Company ("Cessna") programs has been offset by an increase in F-35 Outboard Wing program revenues.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was positive $514,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 compared to a negative EBITDA of $1,205,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2012.  The increase in EBITDA was primarily as a result of increased gross profit, as well as reduced administrative and general expenses.

On September 5, 2013 the Company entered into a settlement agreement, from a court directed mediation with Cessna, which settled all outstanding litigation between the Company and Cessna. The settlement required payment by Cessna of US$27,964,000 in satisfaction of the US$28,464,000 judgement entered against Cessna by the United States District Court for the District of Kansas (the "District Court") on May 8, 2013 which judgement was under appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. The settlement funds were received in full by the Company on September 6, 2013.  The acceptance by the Company of a settlement amount less than that awarded by the District Court in a previous quarter has resulted in the Company reducing a previously recorded gain by $525,000 during the current quarter.  The settlement satisfies the judgement and has resulted in the dismissal of the outstanding appeal.

A restructuring provision amounting to approximately $224,000 has been recorded during the current quarter to reflect severance costs associated with employees laid-off during the current quarter.

In addition to the above-noted charges against income, the current quarter $1,139,000 loss (September 30, 2012: $2,729,000 loss) includes a $644,000 foreign exchange loss resulting from holding foreign currency denominated cash, accounts receivable and payable; while the loss for the quarter ended September 30, 2012 included a $300,000 foreign exchange loss.

Cash flows from operating activities, before consideration of changes in non-cash working capital utilized $4,063,000 of cash for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 compared to utilizing $2,866,000 of cash during the same quarter in the previous year.  The increase in cash utilization in 2013 from 2012 is primarily attributable to recognition of revenues which were funded in previous periods. The Company has a working capital surplus of $30,103,000 as at September 30, 2013 which has decreased from the December 31, 2012 $34,819,000 surplus, as a result of repaying bank indebtedness from settlement proceeds.  The Company's accumulated deficit as at September 30, 2013 is $54,810,000 (December 31, 2012: $55,375,000).

About Avcorp

Avcorp designs and builds major airframe structures for some of the world's leading aircraft companies, including BAE Systems, Boeing, and Bombardier. With more than 50 years of experience, over 400 skilled employees and 354,000 square feet of facilities in Delta BC and Burlington ON, Avcorp offers integrated composite and metallic aircraft structures to aircraft manufacturers, a distinct advantage in the pursuit of contracts for new aircraft designs, which require lower‐cost, light weight, strong, reliable structures. Our Comtek subsidiary also offers composite repairs for commercial aircraft out of their Burlington location. Avcorp is a Canadian public company traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:AVP).



Forward-Looking Statements

This release should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited financial statements contained in the Company's Annual Report and with the quarterly financial statements and accompanying notes filed with Sedar (

Certain statements in this release and other oral and written statements made by the Company from time to time are forward-looking statements, including those that discuss strategies, goals, outlook or other non-historical matters; or projected revenues, income, returns or other financial measures.  These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the statements, including the following:  (a) the extent to which the Company is able to achieve savings from its restructuring plans; (b) uncertainty in estimating the amount and timing of restructuring charges and related costs; (c) changes in worldwide economic and political conditions that impact interest and foreign exchange rates; (d) the occurrence of work stoppages and strikes at key facilities of the Company or the Company's customers or suppliers; (e) government funding and program approvals affecting products being developed or sold under government programs; (f) cost and delivery performance under various program and development contracts; (g) the adequacy of cost estimates for various customer care programs including servicing warranties; (h) the ability to control costs and successful implementation of various cost reduction programs; (i) the timing of certifications of new aircraft products; (j) the occurrence of further downturns in customer markets to which the Company products are sold or supplied or where the Company offers financing; (k) changes in aircraft delivery schedules or cancellation of orders; (l) the Company's ability to offset, through cost reductions, raw material price increases and pricing pressure brought by original equipment manufacturer customers; (m) the availability and cost of insurance; (n) the Company's ability to maintain portfolio credit quality; (o) the Company's access to debt financing at competitive rates; and (p) uncertainty in estimating contingent liabilities and establishing reserves tailored to address such contingencies.

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION(unaudited, prepared in accordance with IFRS, expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)

  September 30, 2013 December 31, 2012
Current assets    
Cash $    21,403 $    2,597
Accounts receivable 10,438 7,944
Inventories 16,917 16,572
Prepayments and other assets 957 1,634
Other receivable - 27,391
  49,715 56,138
Non-current assets    
Prepaid rent 146 146
Development costs 1,198 2,718
Property, plant and equipment, net 8,718 9,633
Total assets 59,777 68,635
Current liabilities    
Bank indebtedness - 2,122
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 7,559 7,859
Current portion of long-term debt 853 692
Preferred shares 11,200 10,646
  19,612 21,319
Non-current liabilities    
Deferred gain 228 263
Lease inducement 493 567
Deferred program revenues 9,232 17,514
Long-term debt 3,672 4,300
Warranty provisions 85 85
  33,322 44,048
Capital stock 77,681 76,423
Contributed surplus 3,584 3,539
Deficit (54,810) (55,375)
  26,455 24,587
Total liabilities and equity 59,777 68,635


CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(unaudited, prepared in accordance with IFRS, expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except number of shares and per share amounts)

  Three months ended Nine months ended
FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2013 2012 2013 2012
Revenues $  19,767 $  19,324 $  60,205 $  69,522
Cost of sales 16,493 16,936 51,463 58,151
Gross profit 3,274 2,388 8,742 11,371
Administrative and general expenses 2,816 3,715 8,292 11,186
Office equipment depreciation 144 119 432 360
Other operating (income) loss 525 - (604) -
Operating Income (Loss) (211) (1,446) 622 (175)
Foreign exchange (gain) loss 644 300 (783) 221
Finance costs 284 586 840 1,772
Loss on repayment of debt - 397 - 397
Income (loss) before income tax (1,139) (2,729) 565 (2,565)
Income tax expense - - - -
Income (loss) and total comprehensive income (loss) for the period (1,139) (2,729) 565 (2,565)
Earnings per share:        
Basic earnings per common share (0.00) (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Diluted earnings per common share (0.00) (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Basic weighted average number of shares outstanding (000's) 280,390 205,851 268,344 204,252
Diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding (000's) 280,390 205,851 269,877 204,252


CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (unaudited, prepared in accordance with IFRS, expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)

  Three months ended Nine months ended
FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2013 2012 2013 2012
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities        
Income (loss) before tax $   (1,139) $      (2,729) $   565 $      (2,565)
   Adjustment for items not affecting cash:        
     Accrued interest and government royalties 94 330 275 1,007
     Depreciation 494 724 1,561 2,280
     Deferred tooling revenue amortization and reclassification to revenue (4,949) (2,292) (14,492) (8,710)
     Development cost amortization and write-off 875 662 1,855 1,698
     Loss on repayment of debt - 397 - 397
     Loss on settlement 525 - 525 -
     Preferred share dividends accrued 186 189 563 567
     Provision for obsolete inventory (156) (84) (259) (67)
     Other items 7 (63) (15) (26)
  (4,063) (2,866) (9,422) (5,419)
Changes in non-cash working capital        
   Accounts receivable (251) 2,869 597 5,173
   Inventories (197) (272) (86) 935
   Prepayments and other assets 180 471 675 396
   Other receivable 29,380 - 26,832 -
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (1,003) 148 (313) (2,316)
Net cash from (used in) operating activities 24,046 350 18,283 (1,231)
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities        
Purchase of equipment (218) (53) (646) (354)
Payments relating to development costs and tooling (25) (280) (335) (894)
Net cash from (used in) investing activities (243) (333) (981) (1,248)
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities        
(Decrease) in bank indebtedness (6,496) - (2,122) -
Payment of interest (95) (552) (277) (1,048)
Repayment of current and long-term debt (170) (7,097) (466) (7,590)
Proceeds from customer funding of program introduction 1,549 1,680 3,120 7,769
Proceeds from issuance of common shares - 973 1,249 973
Net cash from financing activities (5,212) (4,996) 1,504 104
Net increase (decrease) in cash 18,591 (4,979) 18,806 (2,375)
Cash - Beginning of period 2,812 6,382 2,597 3,778
Cash - End of period 21,403 1,403 21,403 1,403


CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY(unaudited, prepared in accordance with IFRS, expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except number of shares)

  Share capital Equitycomponentconvertibleloan Contributedsurplus Deficit Totalequity
  Shares Amount
Balance December 31, 2011 201,994,113 $ 73,251 $   453 $  3,424 $ (76,016) $  1,112
Issue of common shares 52,903,959 2,966 - - - 2,966
Loan conversion - - (247) - - (247)
Stock based compensation expense - - - 68 - 68
Income (loss) for the period - - - - (2,565) (2,565)
Balance September 30, 2012 254,898,072 76,217 206 3,492 (78,581) 1,334
Balance December 31, 2012 254,898,072 76,423 - 3,539 (55,375) 24,587
Issue of common shares 25,493,080 1,258 - - - 1,258
Stock-based compensation expense - - - 45 - 45
Income for the period - - - - 565 565
Balance September 30, 2013 280,391,152 77,681 - 3,584 (54,810) 26,455

SOURCE Avcorp Industries Inc.

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