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RAC Endorses Mr Pothole

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BRACKLEY, England, October 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

Today sees the Campaigning Crusader Mark Morrell, a.k.a. Mr Pothole, receiving another valued endorsement from the RAC. The culmination of months of hard work has seen the growth of his profile, resulting in meetings with high level council officials and invites from companies specialising in road maintenance to visit their sites.

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"It is fantastic to have received an endorsement from such a prestigious organisation as the RAC, having been a member for many years," said Mr Pothole. "They offer some great advice relating to potholes on their website and are of the same belief as myself as to what has caused our roads to become poorly maintained and unsafe."

The RAC have said, "Mark Morrell - Mr Pothole - is doing motorists a massive favour by highlighting the pothole issue in such a high-profile way. Research from the RAC Report on Motoring 2013 found that 84% of motorists believe their local roads are deteriorating and three-quarters (75%) think the same about motorways and other major roads. While the RAC frequently challenges the Government and other key stakeholders on behalf of motorists on issues like the quality of our roads, sometimes the dedication of an individual to a particular cause can have a very powerful effect. As the motorist's champion, we always like to see people campaigning on important issues that have the potential to make a positive difference to the majority of drivers."

It is not only the organisations that support Mr Pothole who are taking note of what he is trying to achieve. Mr Pothole is also involved in a one hour TV documentary to be aired on Channel 5 (in November 2013).

Members of Parliament and Senior Council Officials are now realising that this is not just a flash-in-the-pan campaign but something of real substance. As a result, meetings have been scheduled to discuss key issues surrounding UK roads.

Mark went on to say, "I will do my upmost to bring awareness of our plight and I am hoping that the general public will get behind me to achieve this."

Stories you may have relating to potholes and poor roads can be sent to Mr Pothole directly:

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Mr Mark Morrellu


Business Daily Media