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John G. Lee of Virginia Installed as President of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents

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WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- John G. Lee, CIC, CPIA, LUTCF, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, was installed as President of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) during the Association's annual meeting on September 22, 2013, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lee serves a one-year term that begins on October 1, 2013, and runs through September 30, 2014.

A member of the national Board of Directors of PIA since 2005, Lee has served as Chairman of the Federal Affairs Committee, a member of the Natural Catastrophe Task Force, a member of the Finance & Budget Committee, a director of PIA Services, Inc., and a member of the Executive Committee for the past three years.

"Our association has just gone through a renewal and rebirth," said Lee. "A lot of the credit goes to Immediate Past President Andy Harris and Ron Von Haden, our Executive Vice President. They helped guide us on the right path, in conjunction with our executive committee and members of our dedicated staff. We are heading in the right direction, with our goals in sight. We can achieve great success by all of us working together to promote the advantages of being a PIA member. Our future is bright. I am fully committed to the success of PIA."

Johnny is a principal of Lee-Curtis Insurance Service, Inc. in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He served as President of PIA of Virginia & D.C. in 1997-1998 and was a member of PIA of Virginia & D.C.'s Board of Directors from 1995-1999. Lee was recognized with the PIA affiliate's Outstanding Agent Award in 2001 and honored as Outstanding Committee Chair in 2003 for his leadership of the Virginia Legislative Committee.

A past president of the AIMS Society (formerly the CPIA Society) in 1994-1995, Lee received its Distinguished Service Award in 1997. He is a past president of the Fredericksburg (Va.) Association of Life Underwriters.

Lee is a graduate of the University of Richmond with a Bachelor of Science degree. Among his many community activities, Johnny is Past Division Chairman of the Rappahannock (Va.) United Way; Past President of the Fredericksburg (Va.) Jaycees; a Life Member of the Virginia Jaycees; a past district chairman of Boy Scouts of America and recipient of the BSA Silver Beaver Award; and a Charter Member of the Sons of the American Legion.

"PIA is an association that shares our values — and always has our backs," Lee said. "I am proud to say I have been a PIA member for all of my professional life. It has been one of the best business decisions I have made."

Founded in 1931, PIA is a national trade association that represents member insurance agents and their employees who sell and service all kinds of insurance, but specialize in coverage of automobiles, homes and businesses. PIA members are Local Agents Serving Main Street America SM. PIA's Web address is

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SOURCE National Association of Professional Insurance Agents


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