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Campaign to Fix the Debt Reacts to Senate Passage of the Continuing Resolution

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is a statement from Maya MacGuineas, President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of the Campaign to Fix the Debt:

"The Campaign to Fix the Debt urges swift passage of legislation by both chambers to avert a government shutdown so that lawmakers can focus on the larger fiscal issues facing the country. The current political posturing is counterproductive and diverts attention from the country's real fiscal challenges.

"Instead of jumping from one manufactured crisis to the next, Members of Congress and the White House should focus on crafting a workable deal to improve the nation's current plan to continue borrowing on an unsustainable track, and lift the debt ceiling to avoid a disastrous government default."

For more information about the Campaign to Fix the Debt, please visit

SOURCE Campaign to Fix the Debt


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