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Top U.S.-Japan Leaders to Discuss the Benefits of Taking Risks in Washington, DC on Friday, October 4th

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 2013 U.S.-Japan Council (USJC) Annual Conference, "Risk, Reward and Innovation: Opportunities for the U.S. and Japan," will highlight the long-term benefits of taking risks and innovative courses of action, as well as the significance of synergy among the business, government and civil society sectors. The Conference will feature as keynote speakers:

  • John Strangfeld, Chairman & CEO, Prudential Financial, Inc.
  • Hiroaki Nakanishi, President, Hitachi, Ltd.
  • William Burns, Deputy Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State
  • Shinya Yamanaka, 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Additional Featured Speakers:

  • Kristi Yamaguchi, Founder, Always Dream Foundation and Champion Figure Skater
  • Ryu Goto, Violinist, Opus 3 Artists LLC
  • Roy Yamaguchi, Chef & Founder, Roy's

The many dimensions of the U.S.-Japan relationship will be reflected in the Annual Conference's ten panel discussions, which is the most that USJC has ever had. These include:

  • Japan's Presence in DC:As U.S.-Japan relations become more important than ever in the constantly changing landscape of international politics, the role and value of Japanese interests groups in America cannot be overlooked. However, the essential question then becomes: In the bustling political hub that is Washington D.C., how do Japanese individuals and organizations ensure that Japan's interests are advanced?  What is necessary to keep up with the dynamic, evolving political game in the Beltway?  This session allows the audience to engage in a discussion that answers these questions, evaluates how Japan's current activities compare to past efforts and those of other countries, and proposes new ways for Japan to navigate DC to the greatest effect.
  • Global Citizenship and Preparing our Youth for Tomorrow: What does it mean to become a Global Citizen? What tools do we need to navigate this complex and shrinking world? We need to think about Global Education and provide our next generation with the appropriate tools and knowledge to lead: a global mindset, language skills, cultural sensitivity, moral character and leadership skills. In order to prepare our youth for this increasingly globalized, digitalized and more complex world, it requires certain skills and tools in order to thrive in this 21st century world. We will discuss these issues, how the U.S. and Japanese education systems are evolving in this globalized context, and how the U.S.-Japan Council can support our next generation's education.
  • Other topics include: Japan's Civil Sector, Media & Communications, Corporate Executive Leadership & Mentoring, Higher Education, TOMODACHI Leadership Development, Culinary Diplomacy, Clean Energy & Technology, U.S.-Japan Bilateral Issues. AGENDA:

Media Information: Date & Time: Friday, October 4, 2013 (8:30am-5:15pm with a reception to follow) Location: The Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036About the U.S.-Japan Council:

Registration: Press registration is complimentary. Click on the link below to register:

SOURCE The U.S.-Japan Council


Business Daily Media