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Immigration Reform is Still a Work in Progress, but Henry A. Posada Supports Immigrant Families Now

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LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- When in need of a truly talented immigration lawyer, Los Angeles residents have come to trust Henry A. Posada and his team of legal experts at the Law Offices of Henry A. Posada to deliver exceptional results. For legal counsel regarding immigration needs like temporary visas, naturalization and citizenship or concerns regarding a work permit, California residents know the celebrated attorney will bring acclaimed skill and passion to every case. In recent months, the premier immigration attorney in Los Angeles and many of his clients have been keenly interested in the progress that immigration reform legislation has made in Washington. However, as of now, some believe the opportunity for change in the near future may be diminishing.

Only a few months back, prospects for immigration reform were looking far more promising than they had been in years. The Senate approved a bill with bipartisan support only a few months into the start of the new Congress. Even the five-week August recess in Congress was viewed as an opportunity to target Republicans and begin a high-pressure campaign for a vote in the fall. Yet, this September, the nation's attention has turned to issues like potential intervention in Syria and the possibility of a government shut-down due to budget issues, making the chance to pass meaningful immigration reform in the near future appear far from certain. Fortunately, while reform of immigration laws remains in flux, the Law Offices of Henry A. Posada continues to be an invaluable resource for those in need of professional, comprehensive and cost effective legal services.

With over 17 years of experience, Henry A. Posada and his legal team have handled hundreds of immigration matters, ranging from family and employment based visas and waivers to removal proceedings. As a highly-skilled and celebrated attorney, it should come as no surprise that Mr. Posada takes great pride in his success. The expert attorney is equally renowned for the positive impact he has made in the lives of his clients. In fact, Mr. Posada has represented many immigrants facing removal and helped many to avoid harsh immigration consequences by eliminating or ameliorating prior criminal convictions (a practice area known as post-conviction relief).

Reform advocates have viewed 2013 as a crucial year for immigration reform, as the potential risk presented by next year's midterm elections could make Republicans skittish to support reform. Yet, no matter what the future holds for immigration reform, Henry A. Posada is committed to fighting for the rights of immigrants and their families. If you or a loved one is in need of counsel regarding the complex field of immigration law, contact the Law Offices of Henry A. Posada by calling (562) 904-9080 or online at Free initial consultations with English and Spanish-speaking legal experts are available.

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SOURCE Law Offices of Henry A. Posada


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