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CPP's Application Consultants Boost Organizational Development Results from the #Myers-Briggs® and FIRO-B® Assessments

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Sept.19, 2013 /PRNewswire/-- CPP, Inc. an industry leader in research, training, and organizational development tools including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment, today announced the appointment of two Application Consultants to address the specific demands of individual organizations when using the MBTI and FIRO-B assessments.

Sherrie Haynie, M.ED., and Pamela Valencia will focus on providing training and guidance to assessment administrators and organizational development experts through customized, individual instruction. In this role, Haynie and Valencia will offer in-house certifications, customized in-person facilitation, training programs, and assessment refreshers to equip clients with the tools and expertise needed to tailor the use of CPP's tools to build effective people development programs.

Haynie has more than 20 years of organizational development consulting experience. She presently provides analysis, development and facilitation of organizational initiatives: leadership, coaching, strategic planning, performance management, and teambuilding. She also serves as a Certification Trainer for the MBTI and FIRO-B certification programs.

Valencia currently facilitates FIRO-B and MBTI certification programs as well as customized in-house trainings for clients in the entertainment, research and development, technology, health care and education industries, among others.

Their combined experience is both in-depth and wide-reaching, affording clients the practical insights of decades of experience in creating development solutions.

"CPP's Application Consultants can help clients bridge the gap from intellectual insight to the creation of actionable and effective retention programs that boost employee satisfaction," said Dennis Diligent, Vice President, Sales and Professional Services. "The MBTI and FIRO-B instruments have a tremendous potential to offer individuals and groups better ways of communicating, interacting, and understanding their own behavior. Our Application Consultants can help clients use the tools in ways that will yield practical results."

The resources provided by Application Consultants are part of CPP's broader effort to continue to expand the efficacy of its tools for organizations as their needs evolve, expand, and become more diverse.

About CPP – The people development people

At CPP, our only job is to help you be a better people development professional and, in turn, help every employee flourish. While we're best known for our products like the Myers-Briggs assessment, CPP is also a group of people who can offer you the information, guidance, and support you need. We offer solutions to help you improve organizational performance and address whatever challenges you face – from team building, leadership and coaching, and conflict management to career development, selection, and retention. Perhaps that's why millions of individuals in more than 170 countries use our products each year. They include people at Fortune 500 companies and businesses of all sizes, as well as educators, government agencies, and training and development consultants. CPP's world-renowned brands include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), Strong Interest Inventory®, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), FIRO®, CPI 260®, and California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) instruments. Let's make a difference together. Talk to us today to see how: 800-624-1765, , The Myers-Briggs® experts. Subscribe to CPP's blog at: or follow the MBTI on Twitter at



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