Bare with Me is a darkly humorous tale of a mismatched couple—overbearing, high-and-mighty Ruth 'Winkie Tinks' Winkleman Goldfarb and her milquetoast, long-suffering hubby of thirty-five years, Preston 'P.P.' Percival Goldfarb, a New York proctologist. Their appearances are as diametrically opposed as their personalities-WinkieTinks being an Amazonian, statuesque woman unafraid of plastic surgery and facial enhancements, and Percy, the "…little speckled pin head, complete with a bad, dark brown toupee, and a rather hairy pear-shaped body."
The story begins as Percy finally stands up to his domineering wife and utters an unforgivably foul thing…the word NO…which no one had ever said to her…ever. This occurs as he tries to convince her to forego the usual 'spa' vacation and, instead, go on a relaxing 'eco tour,' visiting with Mother Nature on peaceful, white sands amongst palm trees on an island surrounded by azure waters.
Winkie continues to castigate, even after Percy presents her with a brochure. When she threatens to call his therapist, he takes charge, quickly making reservations online. However, in his haste to complete this act before she can stop him, he inadvertently misses the confirmation stating, "Welcome and thank you for your reservation. Looking forward to your visit! Congratulations on boldly choosing "Eco Adventure-B." Pack lightly. J This one misstep will change their lives forever….
About the Author:The author was born and raised in Virginia and North Carolina, before moving to Fort Myers, Florida, where she currently resides.
A graduate of fashion design school in Atlanta, Georgia, her background also includes modeling, radio and television work. A self-proclaimed beach bum and artist, she enjoys antiquing, horseback riding, swimming, dancing, globetrotting, and the paranormal, having experienced several rather hair-raising events herself."Bare with Me" is a 174-page paperback with a retail price of $16.00. The ISBN is 978-1-4809-0923-6. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at
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