In The Adventures of Sam Squirrel, Bryan K. Dillard weaves a tale of perseverance and the love of family shared by Sam Squirrel, Rattle Snake, and Benny Skunk.
In his first spring, Sam set out to explore the forest, excited by what he might find. Along the way he meets many of the forest families. Rattle, a rattlesnake, shared with Sam that he had been separated from his family during a fire several months back and Sam volunteers to help Rattle find them. The two set off, meeting others who suggest they look for the missing family at the waterfall, including Benny Skunk, whose family is also lost. While Sam misses his family terribly, he promises to help his two new friends find their loved ones.
In the meantime, Sam's family is worried and his mother begins to search for him, enlisting the aid of other mothers who understand her plight. An enjoyable tale of teamwork evolves, but will these families be successfully reunited?
About the AuthorBryan K. Dillard is a native of Floyd County, Georgia, currently residing in Calhoun and attending Georgia Northwestern Technical College. The father of one, his fiancée has been encouraging him to write a children's book for about ten years and recent circumstances allowed him the time to complete the first of what he hopes will be a series.
In addition to writing, Dillard enjoys playing golf, exercising, riding bikes, and having cookouts with his fiancée and family.
"The Adventures of Sam Squirrel" is a 52-page paperback with a retail price of $17.00. The ISBN is 978-1-4349-9292-5. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at
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