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Epom Ad Server Displays Stunning Growth in Q2, 2013

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(PRLEAP.COM) The new season is, undoubtedly, the high time to share the latest news with our clients. This time we're delighted to present official results, achieved by Epom Ad Server in Q2, 2013, which will, certainly, impress even the most skeptical experts.

Epom ad serving solution has been developing at the rapid paste in 2013, and yet, the growth, displayed in Q2, 2013 has overcome our most ambitious expectations. The numbers speak for themselves:

The total volume of served impressions (and these don't include impressions, served via Epom Market ad network) has reached 17 billion. For those, who forgot, the optimistic forecasts for the year, announced in Q1, 2013, showed the expected growth for up to 16B by the end of the year, and such incredible swell in Q2, 2013 allows speaking about even the more promising results, especially with the holiday season getting closer.The amount of served rich media has increased for 10%. Epom ad serving solution is well-known to be ahead in terms of its cutting-edge rich media formats, available for small, mid-sized and large clients as well. Thus, it's no surprise that more and more of our customers choose the beneficial options to get their ad campaign performance to the top.The number of ad servers has increased for up to 20. The mentioned increase of applied ad servers presupposes obvious benefits: at the moment it's absolutely effortless to serve more, than 7,000 impressions per second via Epom ad serving platform, and this is far from its maximum capacity.The range of datacenters has been expanded with 2 more, based in the USA. Prolonged partnership with EdgeCast content delivery network. Naturally, partnership with various datacenters is one of the most essential factors, which transform a good ad serving platform into the top-quality one. Acknowledging the importance of providing clients in different parts of the world with the fastest and the most reliable solutions, Epom has partnered 2 more datacenters and prolonged agreement with one of the reputable CDN's in the industry – EdgeCast.Renewed Epom Enterprise The rapid growth of the platform and its continuously increasing scalability can be named among the major factors, which led to incredible upgrades in the company's solution for corporate clients (e.g. ad networks and ad agencies). As a matter of fact, it has undergone critical changes in the functionality - new innovative features have been added and the core ones have been considerably modified.

The alternations have brought great results pretty fast – Adperium ad network has become a client of Epom Enterprise, and according to Mr. Anton Ruin, Epom CEO, several large companies are currently at the final stage of signing the partnership agreement.

All things considered, even though Epom Ad Server results in Q2, 2013 are quite stunning, there's always a way for further development, so stay tuned to find out among our fresh products and solutions.

Wish to try out Epom ad server as well? Sign up right now and use the platform for 60 days for FREE! About Epom:

Established in 2010, Epom develops ad serving and ad management solutions for publishers, multi-site content networks, ad networks, and advertisers.

Epom enables its users to run display, video, mobile ads in one place thus saving time, resources and bringing more profit. Epom is massively scalable platform suitable for any impressions volume that needs to be served.

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