"Everyone is looking for financial security," said Mazurov, founder and editor of Your Personal Financial Mentor. "The goal of this online news site and blog is to provide thoroughly researched articles on topics of interest to investors around the world. We cover the stock market, real estate, oil commodities and precious metals, as well as offering tips, advice and information on managing credit, insurance and credit cards. We are a one-stop location for all the news investors need, from first-timers to those with many years under their belts."
Mazurov is a graduate of Kharkov National University in Ukraine, where he studied international economic relationships. One of the top institutions of higher learning in Ukraine, the university was named after V.N. Karazin, a very influential figure in the history of the country.
"I consider it important that I mention the University that made me who I am today. My diploma work, entitled "World Gold Market: Its Condition and Perspective," is recognized all over the world. But the reason I started this web site is because I understand that knowledge is useless without practice," Mazurov explained.
Article topics are interesting and varied, and balance complex economic theory with down-to-earth explanations and advice on how to better manage one's personal finances. Posts are added regularly, so there's always something new to read.
"Your Personal Financial Mentor touches on every issue related to personal finance, from investment advice to credit issues, because we are aware that these issues are core to our daily living," said Mazurov. "Your finances actually make you who you are, and the way you deal with your personal financial issues might make or break you. It's important that you manage your investments as best as you can. And Your Personal Financial Mentor gives you priceless advice on how to handle your finances with aplomb.
"Everyone knows how important it is to understand economics and finance, and you need to have a reliable adviser to keep you on track," said Mazurov. "Never forget that as long as you have professional mentorship while handling your finances, it is unlikely that things will go wrong for you. And with us, you are not only guaranteed that professional mentorship, but innovative ideas as well."
Articles with titles like "Options Trading In A Stock Market.," "Hedge Your Portfolio With Investments In A Precious Metal Market," "Choosing The Best Credit Card Deal," and "Understanding Credit Insurance And Its Benefits" offer the full gamut of details and advice on the best strategies for personal financial management. New articles are added daily and visitors to the site can easily search the archives to find articles on whatever topic they're seeking.
Those who want to easily keep up with Mazurov's latest financial and investment advice may sign up to receive regular updates via RSS alerting them to new content. Also, Mazurov invites questions and suggestions on content. Follow him on Twitter, Google+, or contact him directly at mazuroveugene@gmail.com.
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