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Hobart 30 June 2013. The Queensland Government’s decision to create implementation guidelines to stamp out illegality and thuggery on government funded construction projects is a strong step in the right direction.

Victoria has had guidelines in place for some years and the NSW guidelines come into effect tomorrow.

These guidelines will ensure that the rule of law is obeyed and that projects are delivered on time and on budget as well as set high standards of occupational health and safety and promote freedom.

For example, last year’s Queensland Children’s Hospital dispute that Minister Shorten refused to intervene in accounted for 15,000 working days lost and cost Queensland taxpayers around $7.4 million.”

This tough stance is only necessary because Labor abolished the Australian Building and Construction Commission. Labor is a lap dog to the trade union bosses who donate millions of dollars and in return are allowed to run rampant with bullying, intimidating and thuggish behaviour.

A Coalition Government would re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission with all of its former powers including having a strong and effective Building Code. We would take a zero-tolerance approach to thuggery and intimidation of workers and ensure that we stamp out the unsavoury practices of some union bosses.

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