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Countless business opportunities are on offer for Queensland companies as New Zealand
Brisbane 1 August 2013. Countless business opportunities are on offer for Queensland companies as New Zealand wrestles with the enormity of the rebuilding effort following the Canterbury Earthquake.

That’s what Sheila McBreen-Kerr, manager of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority’s Invest Christchurch division, told Premier Campbell Newman on Thursday, while the Premier was in New Zealand heading up a 21 strong business delegation.

Mr Newman toured the rebuild zone of the southern island’s major city and said he had been humbled by the scale of damage.

“Our hearts go out to everyone who lost property, friends or loved ones,” Mr Newman said.

“Our own experiences with natural disasters mean that we understand better than others the ways in which the quake may have affected this wonderful city.

“But what everyone keeps telling me is that Queensland companies need to get involved in the rebuilding effort.

“The total reconstruction bill is likely to exceed NZ $40 billion (A$35.5 billion) and what they need right now is for businesses outside of New Zealand to consider the myriad infrastructure opportunities on offer.”

Ms McBreen-Kerr said that Queensland companies with expertise in infrastructure should start exploring ways they might be able to assist.

“The ability to carry out this rebuild in a timely manner is beyond New Zealand's capacity and capability,” Ms McBreen-Kerr said.

“We do need you, and we urge you to get involved with the task we now face to get Christchurch back on its feet.

“Realistically, we expect the rebuilding effort to last between five to ten years.”

Delegate, Mick Power, who is chairman of BMD Constructions, said he had been encouraged by the New Zealand Government to explore the numerous development and construction opportunities on offer.

“The desire to accelerate the roll out of long-awaited infrastructure and the government’s support of major projects present exciting opportunities,” Mr Power said.

On Wednesday, New Zealand’s Canterbury Earthquake Minister, Gerry Brownlee, told Premier Newman that Queensland’s proximity made businesses in the state ideal candidates to join in the reconstruction effort.

"The ease of doing business with people from across the Tasman is very appealing to us," Mr Brownlee said.

Christchurch has experienced more than 13,500 earthquakes and aftershocks since 2010, but according to experts, seismic activity is now ‘flattening out’.

The quake of 22 February, 2011, killed 185 people and injured 11,432.

The trade mission continues tomorrow when Premier Newman and the delegation meet with representatives from the Canterbury District Health Board for a tour of its facilities.

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