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Government Shutdown Will Ground Aviation Safety Inspectors

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO (PASS), National President Mike Perrone released the following statement regarding the possible government shutdown's impact on aviation safety.

"If Congress fails to reach agreement over a continuing resolution and a government shutdown occurs, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation safety inspectors will be off the job at midnight. These employees are responsible for oversight, certification and surveillance of the entire aviation system, including all general aviation and commercial aircraft, pilots and flight instructors, and repair stations both in this country and abroad. PASS is outraged that the FAA would consider aviation safety inspectors as playing anything but a pivotal role in protecting the safety of the American public. Furloughing this critical workforce is neither in the best interest of the economy nor the oversight of this country's aviation system.

"The safety of the flying public depends on aviation safety inspectors, and this safety must not be compromised. PASS encourages members of Congress to work together to avoid this unnecessary shutdown and allow all employees at the FAA to continue to ensure the safety of the aviation system."

For 36 years, PASS has represented more than 11,000 employees of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense who install, maintain, support and certify air traffic control and national defense equipment, inspect and oversee the commercial and general aviation industries, develop flight procedures and perform quality analyses of the aviation systems. For more information, visit the PASS website at

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Contact: Kori Blalock Keller (202) 293-7277 or (202) 270-6908

SOURCE Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), AFL-CIO


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