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"A Voice for Brady" campaign hits record number of signatures in an effort to change Colorado Criminal Code for crimes against unborn

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DENVER, Sept. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Brady Ministries has submitted 139,650 signatures to the Colorado Secretary of State's office, far more than the 86,105 signatures required. 139,650 surpasses the highest number of signatures collected for any pro-life ballot initiative in the state of Colorado.

The amendment states "In the interest of the protection of pregnant mothers and their unborn children from criminal offenses and negligent and wrongful acts, the words "person" and "child" in the Colorado Criminal Code and the Colorado Wrongful Death Act must include unborn human beings."

The Brady Amendment was filed by victim Heather Surovik, whose son Brady was killed by a drunk driver at 38 weeks, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces. Colorado law determined that the drunk driver could not be charged with Brady's death because he was not yet born and thus not considered a person.

"The Brady Amendment requires Colorado to recognize that there are two victims in cases like mine," explained Heather Surovik.

The recent passage of H.B. 1154, a "Crimes Against Pregnant Women Act", has not alleviated the need for The Brady Amendment.

Surovik continued: "I opposed H.B. 1154 because it is one of the most deceptive bills to be passed in Colorado. It has very little to do with justice for pregnant victims of crime. Instead, it protects abortion clinics. We need the Brady Amendment to pass now more than ever. It is time for Colorado to recognize that there are two victims in these terrible crimes against pregnant women."

Volunteers for the amendment numbered in the thousands, and hundreds of churches got on board to support the petition.

"I am trying to pass this amendment to be a voice for Brady," added Surovik. "I'm very thankful for everyone who has volunteered and everyone who signed the petition – every one of them agree that Brady's life matters."

SOURCE Personhood USA


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