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WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins expressed disappointment after learning that the House will drop religious liberty protections from the Continuing Resolution. The Blackburn amendment passed Sunday morning would have delayed all of Obamacare for one year and added conscience protections. The House will now amend the CR with a delay of the individual mandate and a provision barring federal contributions to Members of Congress and their staff, but have dropped religious liberty protections and any effort to stop abortion funding.
Of the decision Perkins said:
"We are disappointed that the House is taking up an amendment to the CR that ignores the threat to religious freedom that Obamacare poses and does nothing to address the abortion subsidies that will take effect.
"While we support the effort to ensure that there is equitable treatment between employers and families, the one year delay in the individual mandate falls short of addressing the threat Obamacare poses to the quality of healthcare, our economy and our freedom.
"This amendment also does not address the fact that Americans will be forced to subsidize health plans with elective abortion and many Americans will be forced to choose between violating their deeply held religious beliefs or paying huge fines. We will fight to push for religious freedom protections and end abortion subsidies whether on a final CR or other must-pass legislation," concluded Perkins.
SOURCE Family Research Council
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