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EU Newsbrief: Address by European Council President Van Rompuy to the UN General Assembly

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In his address to the United Nations General Assembly today, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy urged the international community to seize the diplomatic opening created in order to control and destroy Syria's chemical weapons. "Any further paralysis of the international community over Syria is simply untenable," he said, calling for a clear resolution by the Security Council. He also stressed that the "European Union is ready to provide all support needed to achieve a political settlement," and that Europeans stand ready to play their part in helping Syria rebuild its nation.


President Van Rompuy also pointed out that, even despite the economic difficulties, Europe is not disengaging. "We are putting our house in order, and expect others to do so too. Correcting internal imbalances and pursuing structural reforms is needed in countries all across the globe. For us, the results are starting to show: today the eurozone is financially in better shape than twelve months ago. The existential threat to the euro area is over and we are now fully focusing on improving prospects for employment and growth," he said. "Our political will to preserve Europe's unity cannot be underestimated."

Full text of speech by President Van Rompuy:

Video of speech by President Van Rompuy:

Syria: EU biggest donor of humanitarian aid:

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SOURCE Delegation of the European Union to the United States


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