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So, you are planning to build a home? If you are first time home builder, it is important to make sure that you plan it carefully and get the result that you want. What are the things that you need to know as a first-time home builder? We want to share a few great tips

1. Permits - This one cannot be anywhere in the list but first. Get permits for everything and have everything inspected properly, ensure that your builder has all of the required permits for every building and every mechanical thing such as plumbing. Permits are not meant to cost a lot of money; they are simply a way to ensure that the work that is completed meets the building code and the home is safe for you to live in.

2. When it comes to spray foam insulation, choose the best. Every part of your home needs to be properly insulated with the right type of insulation. There are many types of insulation to choose from including fiberglass, block insulation and spray foam. Choose the right insulation for your home and have it installed correctly, because if insulation is overstuffed or not installed correctly, it is almost the same as not having insulation.

3. Make hallways wide. Every hallway in your home should have enough space to move furniture through, so ensure it is more than 3 feet wide. Wide spaces also make a home much more attractive, so having spacious hallways only adds to the attractiveness of your home.

4. Proper ventilation is key to the planning and building of your home. If your home is not properly ventilated, then you will always have issues when it comes to keeping the home warm or cool. Certain rooms and areas in your home will show this more than others.

5. Floor planning is important, so plan how your furniture will fit into your home. If you want your TV on a certain wall and speakers to be installed around the area, then you need to plan that you so that you can run your wiring through your walls. This is also going to help you when you want to add lighting and light switches.

6. Have your décor on hand. If you have your paint colour and samples from your cabinetry and handles, then when you are shopping around it can help you to choose the right items to fit in with that décor.

7. You can never have enough storage. Every area in your home should be used as much as possible and all your designs should ensure that there is no wasted space. Wherever you have small spaces or nooks under a stairway or in the corner of a room, you can add a storage cabinet or a closet where you can have extra storage available. Your garage should be spacious enough to store your car and other items that you do not have room for in your home such as seasonal lighting.

8. Consider resale value. When you build a home, you usually plan to live there for the long term, but sometimes circumstances can change, and you may consider selling your home. Whatever the decision, you will need to consider what other people (besides you) want in a home. More bedrooms are always a good selling feature.

9. Plan. This means, do not just think about your current living situation. You need to consider down the road if you are going to have a family and the number of children you want to have. So many people only consider what they need right now, but those two bedrooms and one bathroom are going to be sorely insufficient when you decide to have three children. What about relatives and friends who come over and stay the night? As you age, you will not want to be navigating stairs, so a floor plan that is on a single floor is much more desirable. When you move into your golden years, you want to be able to stay in your home and not have to sell it because it no longer suits your needs. You could have a reverse in-law suite where you live in the smaller portion of the home and rent out the larger portion to cover your living expenses.

10. Always be kind. What potential home owner has not heard those nasty stories about contractors and how they are out to take your money and do a shoddy job. Truthfully, many contractors encounter homeowners who are nasty to them and do not clearly communicate, turning blame around so that it appears to be the builder’s fault when things do not turn out as expected. Clear communication is the best way to ensure that you get exactly what you want in a home. Ask all the questions that you need to so that you understand every aspect of the build. You may feel stressed out at times but remember to always be nice to your contractor so that you have a better overall experience.

When you plan to build a home, you will usually enlist the help of a good and reliable contractor. An experienced contractor will be able to assist you with everything that you need during the building of your home. It is up to you to do your research and ask all the questions that you need to during the build. When you do your part, you will get the home that you have always dreamed of because your relationship with your contractor is important. Your new home should be built upon teamwork.

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