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Polycarbonate is a unique and versatile material with many applications in the industrial and commercial world. Clear polycarbonate is a type of thermoplastic that has specific properties that make it ideal for diverse uses, including medical equipment, aircraft windshields, and eyeglass lenses. It offers high levels of light transmission in addition to strength and impact resistance.

This makes it an excellent choice for safety glazing in buildings and other structures. Clear polycarbonate also provides strong UV protection to protect materials from discolouration over time. In this introduction, we will explore the properties of clear polycarbonate as well as its various uses in the industry today.

Advantages of Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is a versatile material that is becoming increasingly popular for various applications due to its unique properties. This durable, lightweight, and shatterproof material has many advantages over traditional materials. Here we will discuss the three main benefits of using polycarbonate: durability, lightweight, heat resistance and flame retardancy.

Durability: Polycarbonate is highly durable and strong due to its superior impact resistance. This makes it a popular choice for applications such as protective shields or glazing in security systems. It also has excellent chemical stability which makes it resistant to corrosive substances like acids or alkalis.

Lightweight but Shatterproof Qualities: Polycarbonate is much lighter than glass or other materials of similar strength making it perfect for construction projects where weight needs to be kept to a minimum while still providing adequate strength. Additionally, polycarbonate can be used in place of glass because it won’t shatter when broken making it ideal for security applications such as bulletproof windows or partitions in banks and jewellery stores etc.

Heat Resistance & Flame Retardancy: Polycarbonate displays excellent heat resistance characteristics so it can be used in environments with high temperatures without fear of melting or burning like other materials.

Disadvantages of Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is a popular material used in many applications due to its strength, durability, and flexibility. However, there are some disadvantages to using polycarbonate. One of the main drawbacks is its susceptibility to UV radiation.

UV radiation from the sun can cause polycarbonate to degrade over time. This degradation can cause the material to become brittle and crack or break easily, reducing its strength and integrity. The ultraviolet rays also cause discolouration and fading of the material’s colour over time. This process can be accelerated by exposure to direct sunlight or other sources of UV radiation such as fluorescent lights in indoor settings.

In addition, prolonged exposure of polycarbonate products to UV radiation may lead to warping or deformation due to heat build-up caused by the absorption of ultraviolet rays into the plastic itself which can weaken structural bonds within it leading it them to break down faster than normal wear and tear would otherwise allow for a given product life expectancy.

The effects of UV radiation on polycarbonate products are further compounded when combined with other environmental factors like extreme temperatures, humidity levels, dirt particles buildup on product surface etc., all of which together act as catalysts for accelerated degradation speed leading to even further damage over time than those caused solely by exposure.

Uses for Clear Polycarbonate

Clear polycarbonate is a lightweight, durable and versatile material that has a range of uses in many industries. It is strong, yet flexible enough to be used in a variety of applications, from automotive parts and windows to medical equipment and safety eyewear. In this article, we will explore some of the most common uses for clear polycarbonate.

Automotive Parts and Windows: Clear polycarbonate is often used in the automotive industry due to its strength and durability. It can be used for windshields, rear windows, side glass panels, sunroofs, headlight covers and more. The material is also lighter than other types of glass which makes it ideal for cars as it reduces weight while still protecting against scratches and impacts. Additionally, because it is clear it can help drivers have better visibility when driving at night or during inclement weather conditions like rain or fog.

Medical Equipment: Clear polycarbonate has become increasingly popular within the medical industry due to its high level of transparency which allows healthcare professionals to easily monitor a patient’s condition without having to remove any protective gear or clothing from them. It can also be used for medical equipment such as masks that protect against airborne infections or oxygen tanks that store gases safely under pressure.


In conclusion, clear polycarbonate is an incredibly versatile material that can be used for a wide variety of applications. It is extremely durable, lightweight, and resistant to impact and weathering. Its optical clarity makes it an ideal choice for windows, roofing panels, and other transparent structures. Additionally, its excellent UV protection makes it a great choice for outdoor applications. All in all, clear polycarbonate has many advantages that make it a great option for any building project.

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