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Realestate Today

If you have decided to move business premises then congratulations are in order. Perhaps you’re moving as part of a business upgrade, or maybe you’ve moved into a busier area in the hope of attracting more passing trade. Whatever the reason, there are various things you need to do if your business location is changing. Here you can see some tips to help you make a successful transition.

Change The Address On Your Letter Heading

This applies to invoices, promotional advertising, receipts etc. It is so important that you completely swap out all of your paper and online addresses. Change the automatic ending on your emails to reflect the new business address too. If you don’t do this, then cheques could be sent to your old address, as well as repeat customers who want to come back for more products or repeat service. The same applies to your phone number which will likely change too. You really need to be careful because the potential for loss of sale is huge. Make up a few posters and attach them to the old premises clearly stating where you’ve moved to and your new number. You should attach a note to your website too.

Get Help

Moving office type equipment can be tough. There are certain techniques for carrying desks, computers and servers so it is worth your while hiring a pro Office Removals firm to do the job for you. There is further reason to do this. If you use your employees to help you may be breaking certain laws and rules as you won’t have the relevant insurance. If an employee hurts their back or drops something on their foot they can easily sue you for damages, so be careful. Also, be studious in what you’re taking with you. It can be easy to turn into a hoarder so don’t take anything you think may not fit into your new premises.

Let The New Area Know

When you move to the new business area, depending on where it is, you should let the people in the surrounding area know. This will contribute to sales and balance out the loss of sales you could suffer from moving in the first place. Promotions can be a great way to start, offering discounts and other kinds of offers can attract customers to your business. Try taking out an add in the local paper or handing out some fliers on the high street. Word will gradually spread and you can start building a name for yourself in your new area. Also, send out emails to anyone who have purchased products from you before letting them know about the new promotion, you could get a few extra sales out of your promotion by doing this.

Bear Your Employees In Mind

Remember, changing your business address may be great for you and your business but bad for your employees who could be left having to drive or walk longer distances to work. You need to keep them happy to ensure productivity does not drop so consider paying a percentage of their petrol fees or even give them a general pay rise to compensate. Offsetting their unhappiness with more cash can always raise the general mood of your workforce.

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