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Business planning with Warren Harmer

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 How governments can really help small business Dr. Warren Harmer 3807
2 Backflips are not good for business Warren Harmer 3091
3 Survival skills for small businesses with big clients Warren Harmer 3178
4 How to become a managerial sniffer dog. Warren Harmer 3305
5 It’s all about you; the business owner matters Warren Harmer 3570
6 Don't be afraid of the big bad staff Warren Harmer 3333
7 The accidental business man Warren Harmer 3244
8 When your marketing freeway becomes a carpark Warren Harmer 3155
9 Trick yourself to sell without selling Warren Harmer 4768
10 Leaping over the chasm Dr. Warren Harmer 5677
11 Priority Management (a.k.a. Time Management) Dr. Warren Harmer 5313
12 No more Mr Nice guy! Dr. Warren Harmer 3248
13 Setting prices in your small business - science or black art? Warren Harmer 3436
14 Small business clients: the good, the bad and the ugly Warren Harmer 3364
15 Back to basics: profits, markups and margins Warren Harmer 2804
16 Trick yourself to sell (without selling) Warren Harmer 1622
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