It's estimated that 42% of businesses are looking to increase their investment in learning and development over the next year to encourage talented individuals to stay on board. However, with career development meetings currently only being held annually in a number of American businesses, AnRousa fear this investment may not be enough. Many workers with career aspirations feel that by only addressing their career progression once a year, businesses are being un-supportive and leaving them uninspired within their roles. Young workers especially who are keen to move their careers forward, require far more regular career development meetings to reassure them that their future goals are achievable.
AnRousa think businesses must act now to avoid losing talented individuals. The sales and Marketing firm have offered businesses 3 top tips to help encourage talent to stay.
Improve Management TrainingWith the media reports suggesting many managers conducting career development meetings aren't trained, AnRousa believe increasing management training is a vital first step. If managers aren't trained to support their workers development, then annual meetings simply become a waste of time. By increasing training workers will feel far more supported and be more likely to stay loyal, rather than look for new opportunities.
Provide OpportunitiesOne of the main reasons for workers to move on is the repetitiveness of their job role. Alternatively, many people find that a business may blur the lines of their job role and add extra work and pressure to their everyday practices without any recognition of their efforts. AnRousa believe that businesses should create a clear picture of what is expected of each individual job role, and provide extra work and opportunities to those who want them. Businesses should take an active interest in their workforce and learn to recognise and develop individual strengths.
Create a CultureA great work culture can heavily influence an individual's decision to stay or go. AnRousa urge businesses to ensure that morale among their workforce remains high through ensuring their needs are met and their opinions are listened to. A business's culture is filtered all the way down to the products they create and the customer service they provide, so it's important for businesses to create a positive company culture for both their workforce's well-being and their future market success.
About Anrousa:
AnRousa specialise in closing the gap between brands, communities and customers. They are Experts in B2B sales and event marketing and aim to guide clients through every stage of planning, creating and implementing a successful marketing campaign through a professional 'hands on' approach.
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