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Polaris Launches its Canvas Technology at Sibos 2013 in Dubai

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    DUBAI, UAE, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Polaris Financial Technology Limited's Global Transaction Banking division (iGTB), provider of the world's first complete Global Transaction Banking platform, announced today the launch of its pioneering Canvas Technology at Sibos 2013 in Dubai.

Canvas Technology, a transformative distribution technology for channel solution design, development and deployment, is an 'ahead-of-trends' product that enables the financial or other institution's CIO to offer a unique omni-channel platform for end customers as well as internal users, thereby future-proofing existing investments. Banks can now set up a flexible and high performance environment for accelerated configuration of services while retaining complete control over user experience and change management.

At the heart of Polaris' Canvas Technology are 'Apps' which offer self-contained business functionality. The technology responds to international banking challenges by providing uniqueness to a bank, to a customer's sector, to a specific customer or even to a customer's subsidiary' by Apps which exist in the overall Canvas framework resulting in an incredibly low learning curve for both the mature user as well as the Generation X and Generation Y users. It also enables the financial institution to design customized apps, which can be configured easily for access by entitled users for faster time to market and the rapid launch of new products. This Apps Technology design also saves huge time and cost, especially in testing.

Mr. Manish Maakan, CEO, iGTB, Polaris Financial Technology, said, "With Canvas Technology, CIOs can now focus on creating value added services without having to worry about multiple point solutions for various channels. This is because the solution's Configure Once Run Anywhere (CORA) design takes care of delivering the content to multiple devices. As demands for access of enterprise systems by different role players across multiple channels increase, the power of canvas technology will significantly enhance the bank's change management capability."

Today, financial institutions and banks need to converge channels in order to meet the demand for 'one Bank, one Product, one Experience' for a seamless experience for their customers. Canvas Technology enables seamless handling of distribution and consumption of existing, as well as banking services added in future, in a manageable, sustainable and profitable manner.

About Polaris Financial Technology LtdPolaris Financial Technology Limited is a global leader in Financial Technology for Banking, Insurance and other Financial Services. With over 25 years of expertise in building a comprehensive portfolio of products, smart legacy modernization services and consulting, Polaris owns the largest set of Intellectual Property for a comprehensive product suite. iGTB is the world's first complete Global Transaction Banking platform, used by the world's top transaction banks.

This makes Polaris the chosen partner for 9 of the top 10 global banks and 7 of the top 10 global insurance companies. The company has a global presence through its 40 relationship offices across 30 countries, 6 international development centers and 8 fully owned Business Solution centers. Polaris has a talent strength of over 13,000 solution architects, domain & technology experts. For more information, please visit

For Media related info, please contact: Minal Sahani Polaris Financial Technology LtdMob: +91 91766 26468Email:

For Investor related info, please contact:G. Sunanthy DeviPolaris Financial Technology LtdMob: +91 89399 33564Email:

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