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Atlanta Tree Removal Experts Yellow Ribbon Help You Understand Powdery Mildew

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    ATLANTA, GA, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- If you have trees on your property and happen to notice a white powdery substance on their leaves, you may want to contact the specialists in tree service in Atlanta Yellow Ribbon as soon as possible, as this could be the sign of powdery mildew, a nasty disease that affects all different types of greenery.

What appears as powder is actually millions of microscopic fungal spores. More often than not, the cause of the mildew is a result of the spores going airborne, as this is how they travel between trees and subsequently acquire new hosts. Once the infection process has begun, it is only a matter of time before the leaves will be affected. They will eventually begin to rot and wither away.

In most cases, the structural integrity of the tree will not be compromised, but there is no doubting the unsightly appearance of powdery mildew, note the Atlanta tree removal experts at Yellow Ribbon. The fact that it is highly contagious is the biggest problem, as little can be done to prevent the spores from going airborne. In addition, in contrast to other forms of mold and mildew, this type does not need suitable conditions to grow. While other types require a dark, damp environment, powdery mildew also has the ability to thrive on dry surfaces as well.

Despite all of this, there are a few things you can do to prevent the onslaught of the disease and keep your trees protected. The experts in tree removal in Atlanta provide some tips:

How to Protect Your Trees from Powdery Mildew

- Don't plant in heavily shaded areas - Although this will notcompletely eliminate the threat, it will decrease the chances of an infection occurring. The more shaded the region, the greater likelihood the mildew will have of growing. Not only is this an immediate issue for the affected tree, it also means the development of additional fungal spores that will eventually spread. The key is to make the environment uninhabitable, so be sure to plant trees, shrubs and plants in well-lit spaces.

- Airflow - Planting trees too close to one another can restrict airflow, which in effect can lead to certain areas not being able to dry out. Thus, leaving enough room between the trees and performing regular trimming will let air flow freely.

- Spray to isolate - Once a tree has been affected by powdery mildew, there isn't too much that can be done to salvage it. You can locate the trees on your land that are the most infected and spray them with a fungicidal treatment. This should work to kill the disease and prevent the spores from spreading further. More importantly, your local tree service company or tree removal contractor is an excellent resource when it comes to treating this tree condition. The technician will be equipped to spray multiple trees in a short period of time, which is why contacting one of these businesses is recommended for people with large tracts of land.

The Atlanta tree service professionals at Yellow Ribbon are the best in the area. To learn more, head to

About Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts:Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts specializes in Atlanta tree removal and uses only the best arboricultural practices. Yellow Ribbon Tree Experts is licensed and insured, with workers compensation and a member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

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