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Michael Pilney Discusses the Unconventional Work Landscape of Freelance Writing

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    ATLANTA, GA, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Freelance writing is how Michael Pilney makes a living. As a full-time freelancer and professional film critic, Pilney relies on a paycheck from this uncommon occupation. Though freelancing may be considered unconventional to some, this professional landscape is gaining attention and becoming quite popular in today's day and age.

As an advocate for the freelance lifestyle, Pilney was pleased to see an article in Enterprise Irregulars discussing the trend of professionals transitioning to freelancing, consulting and part-time positions.

"Offshoring, outsourcing, the switch to freelancers instead of full-time employees, and all of the other ways big business wants to shed expenses at no apparent cost is a trend that's well under way said Bob Warfield," a writer for Enterprise Irregulars.

Freelancing allows professionals to work in the field of their choice while maintaining a certain degree of freedom. Freelancers set their own hours, choose their clients and have a greater sense of freedom when it comes to all aspects of their professional life. Typically, freelancers work from the comfort of their own homes unless they are meeting with clients to discuss projects.

"It's really no surprise that freelancing is becoming a trend. Who wouldn't want these perks and benefits? Freelancing has made my life incredibly more enjoyable as I am getting to work on all of the projects I am passionate about. I imagine others are beginning to realize the implications freelancing can have," said Michael Pilney.

While Michael Pilney enjoys the benefits of this lifestyle, he is quick to warn those seeking a freelance lifestyle about the downsides, as well. "Freelancing isn't easy. As a self-governing individual, it can be hard to make deadlines, look for new clients and stick to a routine. Freelancing constantly requires work, as the hours are never set," said Pilney. "It's definitely not for everyone but with that said, it's oftentimes worth the gamble," he added.

Pilney warns that it takes a very responsible individual in order to succeed in a freelance career. Because distractions are inevitable, freelancers must learn how to deal with them on a daily basis. "Some individuals can simply not work from home when they have distractions, like television and social media at the touch of their fingertips," said Pilney

In addition to freelancing, part-time work is also becoming more popular. "Companies are allowing their employees to have more flexible work schedules, giving professionals a greater opportunity to positively balance work and life. This type of position is incredibly popular among working parents. I think that's another wonderful option for those who are not quite ready to make the transition over to a full-time freelancing career. If you can afford to choose a part-time position, I say go for it," Michael Pilney said.


Michael Pilney is a full-time freelancer and film critic. He currently lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia, where he spends his days reviewing and critiquing films, books, and video games. Pilney's work is found in small, local publications as well as major publications throughout the country. He considers himself an avid enthusiast of media in all forms. Pilney found success as a freelancer after his own personal blog received attention from local press and later, by national media outlets.

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