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Shree Dandekar Encourages Individuals to Get in the Game from the Sidelines

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    NEW YORK, NY, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Shree Dandekar has always possessed an avid love for sports, yet he knew he would not spend his life playing one professionally. Instead, Dandekar chose to pursue a career in athletic coaching, which he has grown to genuinely enjoy.

Dandekar encourages other young professionals to pursue the same path if they are interested in a sports-related career. Dandekar was extremely pleased to see a recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution discussing alternative ways to get involved in the field of sports.

Contrary to popular belief, there are numerous sports-related careers outside of playing a professional sport. These include sports management positions, athletic coaching and physical therapy, among others.

Carlos Sanchez, a professional in the sports field, who is mentioned in the article, agrees. "There are so many career opportunities in the field," Sanchez said. "This field is a lot broader than most people think."

Shree Dandekar sincerely agrees with Sanchez, claiming that the sports-related career field continues to grow every year. "Sports management is a relatively young academic discipline that has grown quickly," says J.C. Bradbury, chairman and professor with Kennesaw State University's Department of Exercise Science and Sports Management. Dandekar, who has made an enjoyable and rewarding career from high school athletic training, wishes more people knew of the job opportunities available in the field.

"I am so passionate about what I do. I wake up everyday enthusiastic about getting ready for a new day on the job. It's absolutely wonderful when your job feels more like fun rather than a requirement," said Shree Dandekar. "I see so many of my friends and family members who are miserable because they hate their jobs. I try to encourage as many people as I meet to seek careers that will bring them passion and enjoyment."

Dandekar says it might seem daunting at first to find a job in the sports field after college, but each career has its challenges in regards to job seeking. He encourages individuals to have persistence and know that with patience and hard work, the right opportunity will come along.

"If you're interested in the field, you should always volunteer with your school's athletic department. It's a great way to meet people and get your foot in the door," Sanchez urges. "Another great way to get involved in a sports-related career is through an internship. An internship also allows individuals to gain valuable knowledge working in a specific role," added Shree Dandekar.


Shree Dandekar is a high school athletic trainer who lives and resides in New York. He is a committed professional in the field of high school coaching and is passionate about instilling young minds with a commitment to sportsmanship and an active lifestyle. Dandekar fulfills multiple roles as an athletic coach, from overseeing sport practices to helping injured students receive medical care. His greatest joy comes from seeing his high school students land successful collegiate and professional careers. Dandekar is loved and respected by the students of his high school and is committed to maintaining a positive relationship with all students, educators, and faculty.

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