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Jill Guziak Offers Tricks for Safe, Successful Travel

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    LAGUNA BEACH, CA, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- As an experienced traveler, Jill Guziak has learned many tricks to make the process easier and get the most out of each trip she takes. By planning ahead she is prepared for various situations she may encounter. While many lessons are born from experience, a recent article in the Huffington Post sheds light on some helpful strategies for travelers.

Before ever leaving the house there are steps to take to make traveling easier. First, write a list of everything to bring. Outline each day's outfit and try to choose items that match with others. This will reduce the amount of clothing packed. Also, pay attention to the weather to know what to expect and plan accordingly. Whenever possible, contain luggage to simply a carry-on sized bag. This eliminates the need to check baggage and prevents it from becoming lost. "The less luggage you have to keep track of and the lighter it is, the faster you are able to move from place to place," says Jill Guziak.

When traveling outside of the United States, a passport is required. People should keep their passport on their body to prevent losing it should they become separated from their luggage. Making a photocopy of the front page of their passport is helpful in case it should become lost. It is also helpful to know where the embassy is located within the country. To make communication easier, people should check to see what type of international calling plan they have on their phone. They can adjust their coverage accordingly to prevent excess fees.

Finding out what type of currency the country deals in and having a small quantity on hand before arriving can make travel smoother. This allows the person to have money for any upfront costs until they are able to get to a bank or ATM. Some countries do accept U.S. dollars, so having a few small bills on hand is recommended. Also, when staying in a hotel, tipping the housekeeping staff daily can improve relations and ensure a cleaner room and more comfortable stay.

Once arriving at their destination, people should remain courteous to those they meet. Showing respect and kindness can benefit them should they run into problems or need help. Learning key words or phrases in the country's primary language can make communication easier. Travelers should stay alert for pickpockets, however, and keep their belongings as secure as possible. Avoid falling for common scams that are aimed at distracting attention.

Finally travelers should keep an open mind and take in all that the country has to offer. Rather than sticking to basic foods that they know they like, they should branch out and try new things. Every country is different and features unique foods and activities. To make the most of their trip, people should embrace these differences.

"When you are traveling, planning ahead can help you to make the most of your trip," says Jill Guziak. "Research a little bit about where you are going and find out more about the culture and the different attractions and activities that are available. Become familiar with the transportation and general layout of the area. This will allow you to maximize your time there. Above all, enjoy everything that your destination has to offer." Jill Guziak has traveled throughout the world visiting friends and family and exploring new locations.


Jill Guziak is a seasoned executive recruiter with more than a decade of experience and is the founder of Reid Selby, a Laguna Beach-based recruiting firm. She has established herself as one of the most successful software sales recruiters in the country. Her company builds sales organizations for pre-IPO firms and large global public companies. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, relaxing at the beach, and staying fit.

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