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A+ R A- Counsels Media Campaigns to Take it Slow

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    PHOENIX, AZ, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- is dedicated to providing high-quality social media marketing into its curriculum. In today's world, almost every business on the planet has a virtual presence whether they know it or not. In most cases, this is a good thing. According to a recent article on Inside Self Storage, social media is a challenge for small startups and businesses taking the leap into the online realm. One reason this has become the case is that social media is, by definition, overwhelming and confusing.

"Between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and a dozen other social media platforms, it's no wonder that businesses struggle to stand out," representatives say. "We train our students how to manage social media accounts in order to make websites more connected with the Web at large."

The article says that marketing campaigns are expensive and time consuming. With limited resources, budgets, untapped consumers, and other factors working against a campaign, most businesses have no choice but to exceed. The article recommends that that before jumping into social media, businesses should take a step back.

"It's important for companies launching online campaigns to approach social media differently than they would traditional marketing campaigns," says. "Facebook, for example, is more than a popularity platform. These networking sites allow your business to create a voice and actively participate with the community and potential customers. With the Internet, advertising is a two-way street."

Logix9 is referring to the fact that traditional ads communicate a deal, a phone number, or a message. Online marketing allows companies to interact and evolve as a campaign moves along. One way to do this, according to the article, is to start small. Companies should start with the platforms that make the most sense. A craft store, for instance, should begin with Pinterest and other hobby-related platforms. There are countless undefinable when dealing with social media, but it is crucial to understand that every platform requires a different strategy. LinkedIn, for example, is a great way to reach out to industry-related companies, vendors, and people interested in business topics and trends. Facebook, with its high adoption rates, is for broad-angle strategies because of the amount of diverse users it has.

The article also says that "boring" posts, videos, and campaigns are a waste of time and money. Social media is a tool that should engage audiences with a company, not a pedestal to shout out brand messaging and promotional content. For startups, the article recommends companies should not immediately invest in hiring on a fulltime social media manager. Instead, look for an employee with technical experience and an interest in social media to test the waters.

Social media allows companies to objectively track and analyze campaigns. However, a post's "like" and "share" count are not everything. According to the article, there are undefinables that come out of posts. Even if people do not like or share content, many and more are reading it. recommends companies to set goals in order to shape social media campaigns.

ABOUT:, an online resource for Web developers and social media marketers, believes in the power of online marketing. It teaches its students how to combine different online platforms in order to maximize investments and success rates. The site also strives to stay current on technology and marketing trends.

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