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GlobalEye2020 To Heighten Usage of Car Window Breaker To Escape Car Emergencies

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    PORTLAND, OR, September 19, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In light of the recent traffic accidents involve burning car and sinking car, Global Eye 2020 is launching an awareness campaign to heighten the usage of car hammer as an automobile emergency escape tool, and to make this tool available online for buyers who seek peace of mind while they and their love ones drive.

Placing a car hammer (or car window breaker) at a important location inside a vehicle, within reach of the motorist and passengers, could make a major difference between life or death in a major car inident. Quite often, when individual is trapped inside a burning or a sinking car, he or she only has seconds to free himself or herself from stuck seat belt and to break a car window to get out of the vehicle.

In a recent car incident on a California interstate highway bridge, nine women were trapped inside a burning limousine while on the way to a party. Four of them eventually made it outside through a burning doorway. Five women however, lost their lives. When rescuers arrived at the scene, they found the women's chared bodies stuck together inside the burned vehicle. If a car window breaker (car hammer) were strategically installed inside the vehicle, some lives could have been saved. In another recent incident in the State of Washington, a bridge on a major interstate highway collapsed, plunging some vehicles into the rushing river below.

With these two incidents still fresh in memory, Global Eye 2020 has decided to heighten the awareness of the need to install car hammers as life- saving emergency tool for vehicles. Dubbed "Tools of Life", and when used properly, car hammers could help drivers and passengers to cut loose seat belts, to break car windows, and to get out of the vehicle as quickly as possible. To learn more about this device, please visit


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