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Flavored Body Powder: A Body Candy Bedroom Innovation You Must Try

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    TAMPA, FL, September 18, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Flavored body powder from Body Candy is an innovative way to enhance intimacy and an all-around delicious experience. However, without knowing a few facts about this body treat, you may not yet be eager to give it a try. Read on, and soon you'll want to join the countless Body Candy converts who swear by it!

Flavored body powder isn't one of those products you rub into your skin, nor something that sticks with moisture. Far from it! Body Candy's "No Stick Where You Lick" slogan is serious business. When your partner licks this amazing powder off your body, all that's left behind is a pleasurable feeling that will stir your passion.

Meanwhile, if you're the one doing the licking, the news is even better: The secret to the success of this red hot product is the sensational flavor experience. Lovers want to lick and lick as the receiving partner is thrilled.

A Body Powder buyer describes the experience:

"It was a surprisingly light, airy powder, not granules. There was no mess or dust, it just fell right on the skin and stayed there. When I licked, my tongue picked it all up, leaving only bare skin behind. That's when I was surprised by the intensity of the flavor as it melted in my mouth. It was amazing!"

Each flavor of Body Powder has been specially formulated to bring extra pleasure to your romantic evenings. That means absolutely no funny aftertastes or inauthentic flavors. The lick-er should be having just as much fun as the lick-ee, and that's only possible when maximum deliciousness is achieved. Body Candy far surpassed this flavor goal.

Candy Explosion

There's a particular flavor of candy that springs to mind with one lick of this tasty powder, and if you're a smarty, you'll be able to deduce which one that is. If you can't recall the flavor of these delicious little discs, it's just the right balance of tart and sweet.

Watermelon Fantasy

Never underestimate the power of nostalgia to provoke pleasurable emotions. A certain rancher's candies had this exact watermelon flavor, and you'll notice it right away even if you haven't had one for a long time. Its mouth watering flavor will leave you smiling.

Cocoa Bliss

The warm hug of a cup of cocoa on a cold winter's night is precisely what Body Candy was going for (and achieved) with this flavor. You'll be asking "where are the marshmallows?" but not for long, as soon more important things will take precedent.


Nothing's trendier or tastier right now than cupcakes. Lovers who are big fans of this delicious flavor say it tastes like cake batter ice cream.

Cotton Candy

The taste and aroma of cotton candy are distinctive, so there was no margin of error when the flavor wizards at Body Candy set about reproducing it. Satisfied lovers say the flavor passed the test with flying colors.

Cherry Delight

Those apprehensive about cherry flavor may think of the taste of cherry cough syrup. Cherry Delight Body Powder on the other hand really is delightful and light, like a maraschino cherry.

Since no description can get it all exactly right, tasting is believing where Flavored Body Powder is concerned. With discounted prices for purchasing yours online, why not give it a try?

Visit for more information about Body Candy Edible Body Products Flavored Body Powder, as well as the rest of their scrumptious collection.

From our humble beginnings in 2011 in a tiny shop in Saint Augustine Florida where we conducted our product development research on unsuspecting tourists, we have grown into a Worldwide Brand which you are sure to love.

To the brave tourists who followed the "Body Candy in the rear" sign to our shop at the end of the mall and tried our products, we owe our thanks! Their overwhelming enthusiasm for our products gave us the courage and inspiration to take the next step.

Body Candy is manufactured in the United States so you have peace-of-mind knowing that what you put in your mouth is yummy and safe. Body Candy can now be found in stores across the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Australia. Be sure to visit our Retailers when you are in their neighborhood. Here is a list of Body Candy Worldwide Retailers. Tell them we sent you!

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