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Sobriety checkpoints and DUI arrests in Nevada

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    September 18, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Sobriety checkpoints and DUI arrests in Nevada

Article provided by Benjamin Durham Law Firm Visit us at

Las Vegas is one of the top tourist destinations in the entire country, and those that live in the area are well aware all of the things that there are to do in the city. People are encouraged to relax and enjoy themselves while they are in town.

Recently, there have been some concerns about the growing number of accidents involving drunk drivers throughout the metro area. Police are under pressure to remove these drivers from the roads, and have increased their DUI patrols in and around the city. With more patrols, it is expected that these officers will be making more arrests for driving under the influence.

In Nevada, sobriety checkpoints are a popular tool used to catch drunk drivers. Officers set up these checkpoints in high-traffic areas, and then stop all vehicles that pass through at the designated time. Any motorists that demonstrate any signs of impairment may be forced to undergo additional screening to determine if they are operating under the influence.

These checkpoints become much more common during the holidays or other important events. The agencies that run the checkpoints must follow strict procedures, including announcing the location of the roadblock before it occurs, and must observe additional requirements in place to protect a motorist's constitutional rights.

If a motorist has had a drink and approaches one of these DUI roadblocks, it is important that they understand what they need to do at this time. Drivers may refuse to participate in field sobriety tests, but this does not mean that they will be free to leave. The officer may use other investigatory techniques, or, may even decide to make an arrest.

These drivers may be asked to submit to a blood or breath test, which will check the amount of alcohol or drugs that are present in the person's system. Any illegal drugs or a blood-alcohol content of 0.08 percent or above will more than likely result in DUI charges.

If convicted of DUI, the penalties will be extremely harsh. This includes the loss of a driver's license, as well as potential jail time. The individual may also have to pay high fines and court costs associated with the case, and also may face additional costs when trying to get their licenses reinstated. Any subsequent offenses will result in increased penalties.

Law enforcement takes drinking and driving very seriously, and you need to be aware of the major changes that will result if you are convicted of DUI. Contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to learn about the options that may be available in your situation. This may be the very first time you have ever been in any sort of legal trouble, but you need to offer a strong defense to these allegations.

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