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Queology Proves Authentic as BBQ Trends Take National Stage

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    CHARLOTTE, SC, September 18, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Queology--a prized barbecue joint in Charleston, South Carolina--was born from the efforts of its founders who popularized its unique Lowcountry flavor by dominating BBQ festivals throughout the United States. However, while this restaurant may have established its brand by touring its tastes across the country, a recent article from Bloomberg Businessweek notes that culinary trends have made various barbecue styles distinctive to its regions.

Bloomberg suggests that "barbecue doesn't travel well"--simply put, the traditional concept of barbecue has transformed over the years as grill masters adapt new styles that become synonymous with their regions. For some barbecue-aficionados, such geographic diversification can make it difficult to find "the authentic" flavors they seek. Fortunately, those who live in and visit the historic coastal city of Charleston can find full-flavored Lowcountry at Queology. Located on North Market Street in beautiful Historic Downtown Charleston, this restaurant offers award-winning flavors that cannot be found anywhere else in the country.

In a recent press statement, Queology comments, "Barbecue trends are always changing and offering new concepts to adventurous diners. 'New barbecue' has become popular and reinvented the way American foodies eat meat. While these trends are exciting, it's important to not lose sight of authentic barbecue. Our menu may be simple, but our flavors are full-bodied and complex--perfect for satisfying the needs of those searching for the true Lowcountry barbecue that has been enjoyed for decades."

While a constant stream of happy diners at this Charleston restaurant showcase just how popular the Lowcountry barbecue flavor is, Bloomberg notes that there are many arguments over which taste is best. For example, the article states, "So much of [barbecue's] mystique has hinged on its value as a taste of place; a gustatory signature that told the tongue whether it was eating food from the southeast, southwest or Deep South. The old verities about the Southwest being beef country and the southeast being pork country were never absolutely true. But the fervor and chauvinism with which the Texans argued with the Carolinians about which meat, wood and sauces were appropriate raw materials for barbecue provided a refreshing reminder that they were arguing about something personal, definitive, that mattered."

"Even when adventuring beyond the Carolinas, the Queology flavor has proven a winner. As tourists continue to make our restaurant a destination while they visit Lowcountry, it is clear that no matter where diners are from, our brand is a taste that is appreciated nationwide," Queology concludes in its press statement.


Located in Charleston, South Carolina, Queology remains a top favorite among adventurous diners looking for exceptional lowcountry barbeque. Established by founding members Russ and Matt, this restaurant was built on their efforts to popularize the brand by participating in several cooking competitions since 2001 throughout the southeast. Today, serving up more than 25 years of experience, the Queology team is equipped to serve moist and tender meat that continues to win over taste buds on a regular basis. Prized among both visitors and locals, this barbecue restaurant delivers a wide range of unforgettable dishes. Simply put, this Market Street venue is a staple for all those that love to eat meat in the way it was meant to be served--sweet, savory and smoky.

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