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Travis Gilpin Encourages Millennial Career Opportunities in Construction Industry

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    VICTORIA, TX, September 18, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- As a seasoned construction industry professional, Travis Gilpin--Vice President of Consolidated Reinforcement and founder of Gilpin Extrusion--explains that this industry is one built on the need for continued development. Recently, the construction industry has anticipated significant growth as the recovering US economy has prompted greater need for housing and commercial development. However, despite these optimistic signs, a heavy shortage of skilled workers in construction has resulted in many contractors on projects. While the situation has created a potential stimulus for employment, new reports show that young professionals are not interested in the career field.

A recent article from Construction Citizen reveals, "A research report that was published last month by the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (FWCI) has industry leaders talking about their workforce development programs. Titled 'Attracting Young People into Construction Field Positions,' the report focuses on the need for employers to make their workplaces more attractive to the new generation now entering the job market. It resonates with one of the themes we have been reporting for the past three years, as the construction industry approaches a critical shortage of skilled workers."

Travis Gilpin responds, "The report suggests that Millennials are seeking a modern work environment--commonly associated with the standard business office. Immediately, one may assume that this desire does not connect with the labor and outdoor work in construction, but it is important for the industry to recognize that many of the things young professionals are looking for can be found in this workforce."

For example, according to the article, the report suggests, "Young people thrive on regular communication. They also enjoy collaborating on teams. Mentoring programs will encourage them to stay on board with your company." In addition, the article indicates, "What matters to a young person about work differs from older generations. Young people enjoy technology, and the construction industry is using more of it. Experts recommend appealing to young people's interest in technology."

"There are many opportunities in construction for professionals to engage in communication--this is an industry that would have not been possible without the ongoing effort of teamwork," says Travis Gilpin. "As far as technology goes, the tools and equipment used in this field are always changing and improving. Simply put, Millennials who enter the workforce will be able to better help the construction industry adapt to and implement these changes." While there may still be some concern over the actual environment of the workplace, Gilpin adds that there are opportunities for every individual to find an accommodating atmosphere in the field.

"Although the focus in the labor shortage may be on skilled workers, it is important to recognize the variety of careers available in the field. For instance, as the head of the Sales Department at Consolidated Reinforcement, I am able to engage in many of the business relationships and strategies that are necessary to drive productivity. Whether you are creative, technical or administrative, there are many opportunities in construction for you," Travis Gilpin concludes.


Travis Gilpin serves as the Vice President of family-owned business Consolidated Reinforcement. Located in Austin, Texas, Consolidated Reinforcement specializes in the provision of materials to construction crews, civil and structural engineers, as well as drafters. As the head of the Sales Department, Gilpin remains passionate about his work in the construction industry. Gilpin is also recognized for founding a separate company known as Gilpin Extrusion. In addition, he is a known philanthropist and a strong supporter of Austin City Limits.

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