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John Calvert, DDS, Imparts Tips for Optimum Denture Care

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    AUSTIN, TX, September 17, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- While dentures are worn in place of natural teeth, they require their own special care and John Calvert, DDS, makes sure his patients understand this. Properly caring for their dentures can help them to last longer and improve the comfort they feel while wearing them. It can also help to prevent other oral health problems. A recent article in the Scarborough Leader highlights some essential denture care tips and Dr. Calvert weighs in.

Over time, dentures begin to wear, and a person's gums change as well. This can affect the way that the dentures fit in the mouth and adhere to the gums. Denture wearers should have their denture relined every three to five years. This will help to keep their gums healthier, their teeth fitting better, and keep their appearance wrinkle-free. Many people overlook the importance of relines, but they are an essential part of denture care and comfort.

Though brushing is still important, when wearing dentures, toothpaste can actually cause damage to them. They are made from different materials than natural teeth. Brushing with warm water can help remove any food particles or buildup. People should also soak their dentures for at least 20 minutes every day in an anti-fungal soak. This can help to keep them clean and bacteria-free. Rinsing the mouth out with an alcohol-free mouthwash can leave a fresh and clean feeling.

Adhesive is typically used to help keep dentures in place. It should not take much, however. If people find that they are using excessive amounts of adhesive, they should visit their dentist to have the fit checked and adjusted. When dentures do not fit correctly, they can cause damage to gum tissue. The dentist can help make sure that they fit comfortably and stay in place without the use of too much adhesive.

Even though a person wears dentures, they should still schedule regular check-ups with their dentist. This can help identify any problems with the gums, tissue, and bones in the mouth and make sure that they are healthy. Doing self-checks for problems at home can help, but having the mouth examined by a dentist periodically is recommended. They can also check a person's dentures to make sure that they are still fitting correctly and are in good condition.

Dentures wear out over time and often need replacing every 10 to 15 years. As people age, their facial structure changes, as well as their mouths and jaws. Their dentures may not fit as properly as they once did. In addition, the artificial teeth wear down from repeated use and become less effective.

"People should take as much care with their dentures as they would with natural teeth," explains John Calvert, DDS. "They need to have their mouths examined to check for oral problems and their teeth checked to make sure they are in proper working condition. Visiting the dentist can also help to ensure that their dentures fit correctly and are comfortable." John Calvert, DDS, recommends scheduling regular visits for optimal health.


John Calvert, DDS, is the owner of Smile Creations, an Austin-based dental practice. He is committed to providing patients with high quality care in a comfortable setting. Patients can choose from a wide range of services, including cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, dentures, veneers, crowns, bridges, teeth whitening, Invisalign, and more. He is also skilled at treating TMJ dysfunction and sleep apnea. Dr. Calvert has more than 25 years of experience helping people to achieve healthier, more beautiful smiles.

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