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Shai Fisher, Commack, NY, Instructs Teens on Balanced Lifestyle

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    COMMACK, NY, September 17, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Shai Fisher, Commack, NY health and physical education teacher, is passionate about keeping students healthy and active. He teaches them the essentials of living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of their bodies and minds. Maintaining balance among all aspects of their lives is important and a recent article in Lancaster Online highlights how to do just that.

In order for a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle, he or she must focus on four main objectives: eating right, exercising daily, reducing stress, and getting adequate sleep. In combination, these factors are what keep a person going and help them to live a longer, healthier life. Many teenagers keep busy schedules packed with school, sports, extracurriculars, jobs, and other responsibilities. They are always on the go. It is important that they still make time to establish healthy habits and activities, however.

Amanda Cheetham, Elizabethtown College health educator, provides a simple way to think about achieving this balance. "It helps to think about wellness as a 'wheel' with eight spokes," she says. "Physical, mental, emotional, occupational, financial, environmental, social, and intellectual. It is important to keep a balance between these eight spokes, because if you focus on one area more than the others, this can lead to an imbalance that negatively affects the other areas." Teenagers need to make a conscious effort to focus on their overall well-being.

They can work to keep in shape by actively participating in physical education classes at school or taking up sports. Walking or biking to school are other options for students who live nearby. College students can find a longer path to class, or pick up the pace to increase their workout. Finding a friend to workout with is also helpful because it helps both people to become more accountable in sticking to a schedule.

Erik Cianci, a sophomore at Elizabethtown College, encourages students to find a source of motivation for working out. Whether they are looking to improve the way the feel about themselves, obtain a toned body for the summer, or feel better about the occasional treat, they should have a goal to help them stay on track.

Making healthier food choices can also lead to improved health. Replacing late night snacking and fast food meals with more nutritious options can help to prevent extra weight gain. Staying active and reducing stress can also curb one's appetite and munching out of boredom. Reducing stress is beneficial for the body and mind. It can help a person to feel more refreshed and energized. Yoga, reading, napping, hanging out with friends, or playing games are all ways to alleviate stress. And of course getting at least eight hours of sleep each night helps the body and mind to repair themselves and rejuvenates the person so that they are ready for the next day.

"Balance in one's life looks different for everybody," says Shai Fisher, Commack, NY health teacher. "Each person maintains their own schedule and activities, but it is important to make sure that healthy eating, daily exercise, stress-reduction, and adequate sleep are a part of it. The more active and healthy a person becomes, they better they will feel. It can also lead to a longer more enjoyable life." Shai Fisher, Commack, NY educator, teaches students how to implement healthy, positive changes into their lives.


Shai Fisher, Commack, NY, is a health and physical education teacher at Syosset High School in New York. He also serves as the varsity boys' and junior varsity girls' tennis coach at the school. In addition, he works as the Nassau County Section VIII girls' tennis coordinator where he is responsible for arranging matches and events and managing the county tournament. Fisher is an active tennis player himself and enjoys playing in his free time.

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