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New cars trade visibility for gas mileage, experts question safety

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    September 17, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Consumer Reports recently released test results from the new 2014 line-up of sedans. The findings are surprising -- many sedans are trading visibility for improved gas mileage. Car makers argue that in order to increase the vehicle's gas mileage heavier components, like glass, need to be removed. As a result, carmakers are cutting down on the size of rear windows. These changes could make backing out of a parking spot or merging into traffic on the highway more difficult.

Some models make use of various forms of technology in an effort to balance out this lack of visibility. Backup cameras are gaining popularity along with side blind-zone alerts and lane-departure warnings. Manufacturers and drivers alike may hope these features reduce the risk of a car accident.

Most common causes of car accidents are preventable.

In addition to opting for safety features like the back-up camera listed above, knowing the common causes of accidents can also help reduce the risk of a crash. The following are the top causes of accidents in the United States, according to PDE Publications Inc, a knowledge-based company that focuses on information about drivers, driving and driver behavior:- Distracted driving. This occurs when the driver's attention is not fully on the road. Examples include texting, talking on the phone or to other passengers, eating and grooming.- Speeding. Traveling over the posted speed limit is an act that is responsible for approximately one third of all car accidents, according to PDE Publications.- Drinking and driving. MADD estimates 300,000 drunk driving incidents occur every day.

These common accidents can be avoided if driver's focus on the road while driving, obey posted speed limits and designate a driver when they choose to drink.

Injured in an accident? Remedies may be available.

The majority of personal injury claims in the United States are connected to car accidents. Many of these accidents fall within the legal theory of negligence. Negligence occurs when a driver did not exercise "reasonable care under the circumstances." If this can be established, the driver could be held liable for damages to anyone injured in an accident.

If you are involved in a car accident caused by the reckless or negligent act of another driver, remedies may be available to help cover the cost of medical and rehabilitative care as well as lost wages and pain and suffering. Contact an experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer to discuss your situation and better ensure your legal rights are protected.

Article provided by The Law Office of David Morowitz, Ltd. Visit us at

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