Is It Time to Colonise Another Planet? - By now there is an overwhelming scientific consensus that anthropogenic climate climate change has the potential to wreak havoc on our planet, and irrevocably change the way we live our lives. Low lying pacific island nations are already seeing the effects first hand and are being confronted with the question of whether to move to another country. The potential consequences for other nations is not as clear but there are some signs emerging. The question of colonising other planets has been thrust into the public debate because of comments made by Stephen Hawking recently. However, there are many challenges surrounding the practical aspects of colonising other planets and this article will explore some of them.
Are Economic & Environmental Disasters an Unfortunate Aspect of Capitalism? - In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis a lot of blame and anger was focused on people who work in finance. Others took a broader approach and believe that capitalism itself is to blame. However if we in the western world, and those in developing countries, want to enjoy modern luxuries and future technological and medical advances provided by capitalism should we accept economic and environmental disasters as an unfortunate aspect of capitalism that we just have to live with?
What Does the Future Hold for Apple? - For the best part of 35 years, the singular vision of Steve Jobs took Apple from a company that made some of the world's first PC's into a hugely popular global brand that has changed the way we interact with technology through the introduction of revolutionary products such as the ipod and iphone. When looking at Apple and asking where it is headed it is important to think of it more of a brand than a company. This has been the key to its success in the past and holds the key to its future. With Jobs' death, Tim Cook has inherited the position of CEO and is in the unenviable position of trying to fill Jobs' sizeable shoes. Of course there will never be another Jobs, so can Cook maintain Apple's success in the long term. With profits slowing that question is being asked by more and more people.
Is It Time to Amend the 2nd Amendment? - In the wake of several high profile mass shootings in the past couple of years the ownership of high powered semi and fully automatic weapons has come under close scrutiny. The number of voices calling for tight controls on gun ownership has never been higher. At the same time the powerful gun lobby continues to strongly influence lawmakers in Washington. If gun laws are worthy of scrutiny then perhaps the right to bear arms, in its current form at least, may also need to be analyzed more closely than in the past. In this article the role of the NRA will also be discussed.
An Analysis of Obama's Asian Pivot - Since 2001 American military operations have unsurprisingly focused on the Middle East - in particular the two wars in Iraq and the current operations in Afghanistan that are drawing to an end. It is not within the scope of this article to question whether these wars were justified or even if they have gone on too long. It is more important at this point to focus on the future. President Obama's new military strategy is referred to as an 'Asian pivot'. This change in focus is a response to the emergence of China as a superpower and the fact that the US is growing less reliant on Middle Eastern oil. It also reflects a war weariness on the part of the public and a financial reality where the military budget is being scrutinised in a way that it never has previously. The so–called 'Asian Pivot' must be viewed through an appropriate context if it is to be fully understood.
About Thinking Outside the Boxe-Thinking Outside the Boxe is a private, nonpartisan think tank that is dedicated to providing a wide variety of perspectives on issues that are of interest to the general public. The views that are expressed in Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentaries and research are often times uncommon, provocative, and controversial. Thinking Outside the Boxe's mission is to formulate and promote positions and to provide research, independently, that would otherwise be deprived of an outlet in the mainstream media. Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentators and researchers seek to broaden the parameters of public knowledge by addressing issues in such a fashion as to provoke thought and debate on some of the most pressing issues of our day.
Thinking Outside the Boxe also hosts a series of champagne summits and an annual symposium. Thinking Outside the Boxe's Champagne Summit provides an opportunity for political strategists and commentators, business leaders, economists, and individuals interested in nonpartisan examination of current events to gather for an afternoon of debate and roundtable discussions on economic conditions and the outlook, geopolitical events, domestic politics, foreign policy, business conditions and outlook, societal issues, among other topics.
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