Robert M. Clinger III, founder of Thinking Outside the Boxe, issued the following statement:
"It is a great pleasure to celebrate our tenth anniversary this year. Our recently departed friend and colleague, Sebastian Peréy, helped co-found Thinking Outside the Boxe back in 2003. The think tank was a labor of love that grew out of our desire to provide independent and at time controversial thinking and solutions to problems. And above all, we strove to be fair. We gave credit when credit was due and criticism when it was due.
Looking back, I think we've been successful in keeping to our principles. We've written hundreds of articles since 2003 on everything from Social Security reform to the economy to the presidential elections and politics in general to social issues. And we've grown to include correspondents throughout the United States and from all over the world…London, Sydney, Manila, Colombia. We have assembled individuals from all walks of life with various perspectives in our effort to broaden our scope and quality of work. We've hosted champagne summits to discuss the most pressing topics of the day, and we'll celebrate our 10th annual symposium in December 2013.
We've gone from two guys sitting around solving whatever economic problems and political problems faced America to a wider array of contributors and perspectives with offices in Myrtle Beach, Orlando, and Washington, D.C. With all the change we've experienced over the last decade, we felt it was time to come up with a special 10th anniversary logo to commemorate this milestone in our history. It's a little different looking, but we like it. All told, we've come a long way in this last decade, and our commitment today and our resolve is stronger than ever before.
But we couldn't have done it alone. Someone once commented that it was all well and good that we were writing all these articles and solving all these problems but did it really matter and was it worth it if no one was listening. If the tree fell in the forest and no one was around, did it make a sound? And we were worried that maybe the naysayers were right. But when our site went quiet, we heard about it from our followers and supporters, and so it is with heartfelt appreciation that I say "Thank You" to all of our readers and supporters who have stuck with us these last ten years and given us their time and sometimes given us their thoughts, particularly when we said something controversial. I am most grateful for your support.
We look forward to a number of special events we will be hosting in 2013 to commemorate our 10th Anniversary, and we look forward to another decade of thought-provoking commentaries and analysis. We hope you will continue to provide us with your support and feedback and that you will enjoy our 10th Anniversary as much as we anticipate. Thank you all."
Thinking Outside the Boxe has a series of special events planned throughout the year to celebrate the 10th Anniversary. Additional details will be released at a later date.
About Thinking Outside the Boxe-Thinking Outside the Boxe is a private, nonpartisan think tank that is dedicated to providing a wide variety of perspectives on issues that are of interest to the general public. The views that are expressed in Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentaries and research are often times uncommon, provocative, and controversial. Thinking Outside the Boxe's mission is to formulate and promote positions and to provide research, independently, that would otherwise be deprived of an outlet in the mainstream media. Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentators and researchers seek to broaden the parameters of public knowledge by addressing issues in such a fashion as to provoke thought and debate on some of the most pressing issues of our day.
Press Contact: Telephone: 866.666.1783E-mail: info@ThinkingOutsideTheBoxe.comWebsite: www.ThinkingOutsideTheBoxe.comTwitter: @ThinkOutOfBoxeFacebook: www.facebook.com/ThinkOutOfBoxe
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