"What we saw during the Republican primary, just like in the 2008 general election, was a constant jostling of position. The president has had four years in office to build a substantial Internet presence and, if you look at the trend over the last six months, Mitt Romney has done a good job of chipping away." said CEO Ryan Vartoogian Romney became the probable Republican nominee in April and has since gained over 10% market share – no small task against the campaign that pioneered the digital political campaign. Most notably, Romney's campaign has increased its paid search marketing by over 500% from August through October, outspending the Obama campaign by nearly $1,000 per day in paid advertising.About Spartan Internet:
Spartan Internet Consulting is a leading Michigan digital marketing firm and strategic internet planning and implementation services provider based in Lansing, Michigan. We service global clients, as well as small businesses with SEO and paid search marketing. Spartan Internet has more than 30 specialists on staff with offices in Lansing, metro Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, and Washington DC.
Ryan Vartoogian 517-333-9727Spartan Internet Consulting
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