Lever Gear, an Asheville, NC based gear company, today announced the successful completion of their Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. After 34 days, Lever Gear raised $65,840 with 1375 backers for their revolutionary credit card sized multi-tool, The Toolcard™. Proudly made in America, the stainless steel, credit card-sized multitool has 40 functions and hundreds of uses. Lever Gear is scheduled to begin shipping the first Toolcard™ in June 2016.
“We are extremely thankful to all those who contributed to our campaign, and thrilled to be able to take our idea to the next stage and begin production of the Toolcard,” said Mike Scully, Lever Gear founder.
About the Lever Gear Toolcard™ Kickstarter Project
The Lever Gear Kickstarter project launched on March 10, 2016 and met the $12,000 goal in just 8 hours. From there, they went on to raise $65,840 in 34 days. The Lever Gear Toolcard™ was featured in media outlets such as BroBible, Every Day Carry, Gear Hungry, Mountain Xpress, and more.
Breaking Records
Along with breaking through their goal, Lever Gear also broke Kickstarter records. When their project ended, it was the most popular Kickstarter project in North Carolina. They also broke the record for most backers for an Asheville Kickstarter project with 1375 backers. The Toolcard™ received global support including orders from Germany, Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, and more.
“We continue to be blown away by the outpouring of support from around the globe,” said April Scully of Lever Gear. “Of course we hoped that our product would be well-received, but never anticipated that more than 25% of our orders would come from the international community.”
Next Steps
Next, Lever Gear plans to begin their first production run with delivery of the first Toolcards™ expected this summer. The Lever Gear Toolcard™ is currently available for pre-order through the IndieGoGo InDemand platform and will be available for purchase later this year through www.levergear.com.
About Lever Gear
In January of 2015, product designer, Mike Scully, launched Lever Gear with his wife, April, to bring the Toolcard™ to life and develop a brand of premium everyday carry gear. Mike runs the design, engineering and creative direction of the company while April runs the business development and marketing.
Mike spent 15 years in San Francisco helping companies develop products ranging from professional video editing equipment to kayaks. Just prior to designing the Toolcard™, Mike led the industrial design and mechanical engineering teams for a startup solar power inversion company. The product, a solar micro-inverter system, was awarded the prestigious innovation in photovoltaics award at the 30th Photovoltaics Solar Energy Symposium in Bad Staffelstein, Germany. After developing a product involving high voltage power electronics rated for outdoor use for 20 years, complex assemblies with hundreds of parts, and countless regulations from governments and safety agencies, Mike is thrilled to be developing a product with just two sheet metal parts.
April has worked in the field of education for over fifteen years, most recently as Chief Operating Officer at a non-profit that teaches kids about entrepreneurship. As COO she was responsible for overseeing the program division of their national operations, including organizational strategy, curriculum development, production and distribution, marketing and branding, and international partnerships.
Learn more:
Lever Gear’s Website | http://www.levergear.com/
Pre-order the Toolcard™ | https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lever-gear-toolcard-40-tools-in-1-slim-card
Lever Gear on Kickstarter | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/270572750/lever-gear-toolcard-credit-card-sized-multitool-an/description
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