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Four Features You Should Insist on Seeing When Evaluating New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software


ERP software is absolutely necessary for any discreet manufacturing operation to run at its best. It enables a business to quickly adapt to change, analyze data, forecast, plan, standardize, and lower costs. Without a great ERP software platform backing up a manufacturing business, it’s difficult to effectively grow, lower costs to both the business and consumer, and ensure a lasting presence in the future of your business.

Common DatabaseGreat ERP software is going to be one solid suite of programs that can communicate back and forth. This communication within the program will allow the user to effectively analyze data from disparate departments in the company and truly develop an idea of how one change effects every department. 

Without a common database, there is more room for error on both a software side and a human side. Even removing the possibility of error from the equation, switching back and forth from one application to the next, compiling the data through another application or by hand, and implementing it elsewhere can be a hassle and increase labor costs.

ConsistencyUnfortunately, some program suites seem to be developed by completely different companies. While this may not be the case, it should never feel as though you are entering a whole different world when gathering data from your sales team and transitioning to data about procurement.

Having an ERP software suite that retains a mostly consistent look and feel throughout its internal structure can be a key component in ease of use as well as reducing labor and training costs. Ultimately, someone gathering data from ERP software should be able to learn one system and translate it simply when moving from application to application within the suite.

ScalableEvery piece of software that is utilized for your business should be absolutely scalable for your future needs. After all, a business’ main priority is growth and development. Ensuring that an ERP suite is scalable will bolster your business’ growth during any transitional periods of growth.

Without scalable software, it’s easy to be left in the dust while your business is considering an ERP program and installation for the next stage in your business’ life. Don’t let that happen to your manufacturing operation; keep scalability in mind at all times.


Functional for Multiple DepartmentsA great ERP suite doesn’t just work for production, sales, customer service, or any other single department. Proper ERP software has a wide reach, both outward and upward. This allows the software to show any effects in the company that may be caused by even the most minute of changes.

Having an ERP software suite that integrates data from across the company creates a cohesive ecosystem that helps your business become a single structure, rather than several, somewhat separated, parts.

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